[Center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XGh7q3S.jpg[/img][/center] Claire didn't seem to happy about his stubbornness. She shook her head down at him, glaring at him as if he was a child when she spoke. The intoxicated man was about to return her look, that was, until she told him to take off his clothes. Garrett felt his face become heated up like a high-power microwave oven. Yet, he couldn't find a way to get his words out of his mouth, but he hoped that the incredulous look on his face spelled it out for him. Take off his clothes? In front of [i]her[/i]? The very thought of having to be dressed like some sort of toddler was like someone took a knife and dug it into his pride. But it was something that he had to do. A sharp sigh escaped him as he lowered his head, clumsily taking the hems of his shirt and pulling it over his head. It took some time for the article of clothing to come off, but he tossed it to the side once it was. All the time, Garrett avoided Claire's look, his cheeks burning bright. [@DFA]