If we are talking about the game. I would be Gary Oak. Is this Pokemon weaker than another? Release that useless trash and trade up. Opponent uses a psychic type? Grab type advantage and crush them. Opponent too hard? Power level until the difficulty curve of the game is a gentle hill I can go to sleep and still win. There is a major difference between the game and say, a role play. We are not Gary Oak, okay maybe one of us could have said they were. Still, it's not exactly fair to compare this to the game. Can we do things more efficiently and crush our opponents under out team of 6 LV 100s? Absolutely, but no one here is going to do that. Just because someone could, I doubt anyone IC is going to sit there and say "train my Pokemon until I can crush boulders by looking at them". I mean, getting a Pokemon for type advantage is a good idea if a certain Pokemon is crushing you. I could fight with a team of Magikarp cause it's good role play. I would get crushed all day long, and realize I might want to change my team a bit. Wow, I am back and forth on this as well... I shall have to consider the options, but a Gym isn't some place that scales it's power cause you asked for easy mode. It is a wall, you either get over it, or you find out how much you like getting punched in the face. If you are able to one shot it, maybe move onto the major leagues. Just some thoughts on this. Since, you know, it exploded pretty quickly.