[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/uzwF5sf.png[/img][/center] Name's Official Name: Blutland Denonym: Blutlander Nation's Government: The people of Blutland are a traditional monarchy where the ultimately the kings word is law. However, though reluctant to do so, the king has relinquished some of his power to the noblemen whom elect fifty men among themselves to represent the people and advise the king in matters of law, war, trade, and various other aspects. Head of State: King Arnold von Titanus Nation's Description: Blutland once compromised of several small kingdoms and duchies found themselves in a constant state of war between themselves and outside forces. It was not until the war of seven kings nearly eight years ago, where the kingdom of Siedeort and her two allies the Duchy of Vergesen and the Kingdom of Klieneleut fought against the Tyro-Antari Empire and its puppet states. The war was long and bloody, but by winter the Kingdom of Siedeort had pushed back Tyro-Antari forces behind the river. Both sides weary of crossing, decided to agree to a status quo, where the Kingdom of Siedeort kept all land gained. It was not long until the two kingdoms and duchy decided to unite under a single strong ruler, electing King Arnold Von Titanus, former king of Siedeort to take the throne. As composition both the Kingdom of Klieneleut and Duchy of Vergesen where granted semi-autonomous status. However after a series of reforms, that has been slowly stripped away. Culture: The people of Blutland, while sharing common culture, have long since been independent from one another or have been placed under foreign rule. The Southern half of Blutland prides itself in its literacy and industrialization in comparison to their recently conquered northern brethren. However after the war of seven kings a modernization program has been put in place to educate the populous and to quell any Tyro-Antari minorities. Military: It is considered a honor to serve in the Blutland military, a tradition carried on from the Kingdom of Siedort. Men are required to sign up for the military draft between the ages of 18-21 and serve a minimum of a year in the military. Geography: Blutland is a rather flat country to the south and is filled with many plains and rivers, while to the north it is filled with many hills and a large mountain range extending across the northern border, until about halfway to the beginning of the Blutig River (River between Tyron-Antari and Blutland.) Desired Location: Even though I already told Theo where I want to be, I chose the peninsula that looks like a bent Italy Major Arms Company Names: Waffen und Stahl Manufacturing Goldreich Armory Major Naval Shipping Company Name: Spitzer and Franz Shipping Major Industrial Company Names: Erden Diamanten Mining Company Expedition Serranthia Co. Vermögen gräbt Schweiger Ventures Nation's Major Bolt-Action Rifle: Otto Mk.2 Nation's Primary Artillery Piece: 60mm Glaskanonen POPULATION: 28,000,000 (+100,000/Season) STABILITY: 51% MINING INDUSTRY: -- Erden Diamanten Mining Company [4] -- Expedition Serranthia Co. [3] -- Vermögen gräbt [1] ARMS INDUSTRY: -- Waffen und Stahl Manufacturing [4] -- Goldreich Armory [3] SHIPPING INDUSTRY: -- Spitzer and Franz Shipping [5] LUXURY INDUSTRY: -- Schweiger Ventures [2] GDP: [MINING + ARMS + SHIPPING + LUXURY + POPULATION / 2] = $24,250,000,000 STANDING ARMY: 1,250,000 Soldiers | 1,500,000 Rifles | 760 Cannon RESERVISTS: 350,000 Reservists | 0 Rifles NAVY: 1 DN | 0 Coastal BB | 0 DD | 0 CL | 0 CA | 0 SS AIR FORCE: 28 Scouts | 114 Reconnaissance | 0 AA Batteries COLONIES: 1 [at +2 Size] [Serranthia]