[@Prince of Seraphs] As you should! So many have overlooked this seemingly perverse field and saw nothing worth while. You see, when the stories of maids began to circulate, many dismissed them as mere fantasies, rumors. Impossibilities. One sure mark of a fool is to dismiss anything that falls outside their experience as being impossible. But Gren began to search for information about maids - where had they gone all those years ago? And where were they coming from? Even places such as "Maid Cafes" only pay homage to the concept of the maid, but none within are truly maids. Thus Gren has embarked on this perilous journey to discovery more about these mythical creatures and what their true origins and purpose are. [@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN] Not quite the target of Gren's research, but a possibility to find. Accompany Gren in his safari into the life of maid, and you too can discover knowledge beyond your wildest expectations!