[color=00aeef]"Carnelian."[/color] Sodalite looked to the red gem. [color=00aeef]"We can do two things. You can charm your way through this and help Aqua and the Gemlings, while I go into town assess the problem there. Or, you go into town and asses the problem, and I stay here with Aqua."[/color] If Sodalite were being honest, either of the options would have worked for her. Though she did want to see the gemlings a little more, the town was equally important to their mission, just as the rest of the earth was. Slowly, she stepped forward. She seemed to have faded to the back of people's minds, not that she truly minded that. More often than not, being alone and unnoticed was more helpful with gathering information and exploring, but this one one of those times where she needed to take a stance and actually make a direct difference on things. She could not do that by hiding in the background, not here.