[@Banana]: Okay, first things first: I meant you could assimilate some of the tropes, but not adapt the persona entirely. You still need something like... An actual name, for starters. Next... Okay, explosion-on-punch would require at least a fire secondary, and even then, there should be a logical limit on that. Right, no shutter shades. Those shouldn't exist. Look for clothing that would look logical in an early East Asian-style setting and go with something like that. More explanation on the style of combat would also help, since, well... Pressurizing air for that sort of damage shouldn't be anywhere near easy to accomplish. Expand on personality. History is... Too comedic for the purposes of the RP, honestly. So, uh... Yeah. You took this in a different direction than I was expecting, honestly. This RP is meant to be a bit more serious compared to what you're proposing, so... Pure 'muscle wizard' won't work. I was expecting something more like... A really strong older martial artist who just so happens to be able to have the ability to use qi to fly around or something. Yeah.