[center][h1][color=00aeef]Allison Harlan[/color][/h1] [hr] [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/5b9626fd35106ba39f218550f51acd7e/tumblr_inline_nppv9vgEdo1sgfx5r_500.gif[/img][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/8836fcfa50c81f432c4ffb93f6952be3/tumblr_inline_nppva00Zx61sgfx5r_500.gif[/img][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/6d62371779b0fed3b535e101a4616384/tumblr_inline_nppva57Zk11sgfx5r_500.gif[/img] [hr] Location: Apartment - Homeroom Interactions: [@Fabricant451]'s Nicole. trigger warning! insensitive slur [hr][/center] Allison rolls back and forth, groggily. A groan escapes her mouth as she stands and stretches, pulling her phone off her nightstand and checking for any possible notifications from Nicole, nothing, but it was worth a shot. Once again she was left with a note from her mother and some breakfast, breakfast rush was insane in Arrowsmith, apparently. She cracked a smile and enjoyed her breakfast before jumping in the shower whilst brushing her teeth, she wanted to save time and see if she could catch Nicole before first bell so they could chat. Chatting with her yesterday, going on the ferris wheel, it was a lot of fun. As she ran her hands through her hair, a thought struck her. She had actually [i]gotten a girls phone number.[/i] The closest she was to a relationship in the Eighth Grade was her being called a dyke because she had subconsciously glanced over in the locker room. Exiting the building, she brushed some hair out of her face, and started her walk towards the school. She stuck some ear phones in her phone and got ready to play some music. Allison's music taste was all over the place, some days she'd love to listen to Alternative Rock, and the next she'll freak out because it's not “real rock”. On her walk throughout the town she saw a couple of places that she'd enjoy seeing some day. There was a strip mall, a few parks, lots of fun stuff to do. Allison wasn't much of a social person back in Florida, but her ambiversion was leaning really close to extroversion recently. She really wanted to make friends and go out with people, and Nicole was her first actual experience with that. Allison stopped at a street corner and pulled her phone out of her back pocket, setting it to [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZwCQrxceaI]Periphery's fifteen minute song, Racecar.[/url] Before placing the phone back in her back pocket, she shot a text to Nicole. [color=00aeef]Yo, it's the first real day of school, excited?[/color] with an emoji of a winky face next to it, nothing suggestive but merely a slight flirtation. Racecar started to end as she reached the school, she entered through the front doors and started wandering the halls, trying to find her way towards her homeroom with Mrs. Wayne. Entering homeroom, no faces caught her eye and she sat in the back.