[center][h2]Sho Baba[/h2][/center] Sho bounces in place from his spot on the ground as Makiko barks her orders, seemingly not at all upset by her scolding. One might get the impression he hears this kind of thing all too frequently. [color=9b9747] “Sorry Makiko-Bucho!” [/color] He says, almost reflexively but with unabashed excitement. He nods at Nao, still grinning despite his tumble, [color=9b9747] “Sorry for messing up your name! I’ll try and remember it better next time.” [/color] The demon boy says as he starts to sit up. [color=9b9747] “At any rate, I ran into you cause I was rushing, so no need to apolo-“[/color] He is suddenly interrupted by a feathery weight impaling itself on his back. A part of him couldn’t help but enjoy the fact he was running into all kinds of people today (perhaps more literally than he normally would have liked, but still). [color=f7976a]"Aamuu-chan, I think you are causing a bit of trouble to the one underneath you."[/color] He hears, hearing slightly muffled from a pile of feathers (belonging to what he still wasn’t sure.) [color=9b9747] “Nah I’m fine. She’d have to be Shina-sized before her falling on me would hurt. Though you should be careful Aamuu-senpai...” [/color] He says addressing the older girl (well chronologically that wasn’t true, but she LOOKED older than him, and with Yokai that’s sometimes the best you’ve got to work with.) He sits under Aamuu for a second as she rapid fired questions to a spooky blonde he didn’t know and Yuina. He wondered if she was actually scared of whatever job they had (they really should have meetings before going on these kind of things…) or just looking for an excuse to hang around Makiko’s waist. He was more or less inclined to guess it was both. None of this, however, seemed to have slowed Makiko and he was worried they’d get yelled at again if they didn’t move. [color=9b9747] “Aamuu-senpai...”[/color] He says softly, interrupting as she begins to interrogate the scared Futakuchi-onna. One arm reaches over, wrapping around the Tengu’s waist and getting a frim grip on her hip, while the other presses against the ground. He pulls the tengu girl upward, gently draping her over his shoulder as he stands. [color=9b9747] “There we go! Much better!”[/color] he says, following after Makiko.