[center][hr][hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LmM3Y2NjOS5TWE1nVkdocGN5QlNaV0ZzYkhrZ1FTQkhiMjlrSUVsa1pXRV8uMQ,,/nickerbocker-normal.regular.png[/img][hr] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/e4111245ef34af816e808a3492be449b/tumblr_inline_njjcukzMai1sggcf2.gif[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/5YLml0E.gif[/img] [h3][color=springgreen]A V A L O N[/color] & [color=deepskyblue]W I L L[/color][/h3] Location: Delirium [color=springgreen]Interacting With[/color]: No one [color=deepskyblue]Interacting With[/color]: | [color=][b]Eliana[/b][/color] [@lovely complex] | [color=springgreen]Mood[/color]: Conspiratory -> Nervous -> Excited -> Intrigued [color=deepskyblue]Mood[/color]: Why the hell did I agree to this? [sub][url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=207024989]Avalon's Outfit[/url] [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=207025083]Will's Outfit[/url][/sub][hr][hr][/center] [color=deepskyblue][b]"Is this really a good idea Ava?"[/b][/color] Will asked, as he shivered against the frosty night air of New York City. Avalon turned to him, cocked her head, and smirked. [color=springgreen][b]"Of course! They crashed our party, so we're going to crash theirs. Not to mention, Eliana Lovelace is going to be here, and it's your job to be her friend. Get in close to her, and then strike, bring her to our side."[/b][/color] Avalon kept her voice hushed as they shuffled through the line. Will was shivering, despite the layers he was wearing, but Avalon was standing strong, refusing to show that she was cold at all. She was stepping into the cave of wolves. Weakness was not an option. Will nodded in agreement. He couldn't not agree. His best friend and his sort of kinda girlfriend were leading the charge against Delphina. Of course he'd be there helping anyway he could. It just so happened that he was much more convincing than Avalon the Warmonger, and so, he'd been placed in charge of recruitment. By any means necessary. If that meant befriending Lovelace and turning her to Sam's side, then so be it. It was sleazy, but who cared? It needed to be done. Right? Their silence was interrupted as they reached the front of the line, and the bouncer motioned for them to enter, his face conveying the same emotion as a brick wall. The music was deafening and the heat was constricting. This was not Will's scene. But Avalon's grin said it surely was hers. She turned to her friend and nodded to him. [color=springgreen][b]"Call me if you run into trouble. Look out for Lovelace or her friends, and I'll look around for Gia and her cronies, try and keep them from working your magic. Good luck. Oh and hold this."[/b][/color] With that said, Avalon disappeared on the dance floor, handing off her purse to Will and searching for her targets in a sea of people, with the occasional break to dance with a sweaty guy. Will on the other hand, bit his nails nervously and moved to the bar, where he sat down and ordered a drink, flashing a fake at the bartender, who didn't seem especially concerned. As he drank he chuckled at the irony of a hero using a fake ID to drink illegally. He sat at the bar and looked out across the bar, keeping an eye trained on the entrance through the cherry tunnel, just in case his marks came through. If they did, he'd be ready. And as if God was having a laugh at him, the moment he turns his head, Eliana Lovelace is standing at the bar, looking as if she'd been there longer than he had. [color=deepskyblue][b][i]What in the hell?[/i][/b][/color]. Ignoring the way she seemed to just appear, he moved closer to her and took a seat at her side. He wouldn't let Avalon down. And he definitely wouldn't let Sam down. It was go time. Hopefully it didn't all go to hell. [color=deepskyblue][b]"Eliana Lovelace. Here to drink away the stress of the tournament? Because if so, feel free to join me,"[/b][/color] he said with a smooth grin and a charming laugh.