[center][h2]James Varrock, The Guardian|Oryx's Shrine, Sea of Storms, Earth's Moon[/h2][/center] [b]"That was an unnecessary risk, Guardian. What if the others hadn't been able to finish him in time?"[/b] James sighed, turning to look at his floating companion known as Ghost. They had just finished killing Malok to complete the Blighted Chalice mission that Varicks and were preparing to head back to their jump ship in orbit. Ghost's latest complaint was that James had hit Malok with Shadowshot and emptied his sniper rifle clip into the Pride of Oryx, leaving him just low enough for their Titan to drop a Havoc Fists on him and finish the job. "Relax, Ghost. It's not like I didn't know where the Titan was. And even if I hadn't, I still had Shade Step to get me out of the way." Ghost, in his usual admitle of defeat, gave a mechanical sigh and disappeared again, leaving James to secure any additional ammo drops before they headed to Orbit. "You know, with Malok gone, we might finally be able to spend more time working on our snap aiming in some Rumble matches." Ghost chuckled and began to reply when the HUD for James goes crazy. [b]"Something's happening, but I can't tell you what. Trying to get us back in orbit but it's not working!"[/b] As Ghost spoke, the world went dark for Guardian and Ghost alike, the last thing either of them remembers seeing is the Shrine going crazy. [hr] [center][h2]James Varrock, The Guardian|Hyrule Fields[/h2][/center] [center][@ProPro][/center] When the Guardian finally came to, it was with a loud groan and his hand to his head as he sat up. [b]"Ah, finally! When we blacked out, I came back around first, but I've been unable to contact Eris or the Vanguard. I've also been unable to get us back to our ship."[/b] James, in response, was on his feet in a hear beat, the Ace of Spades in his hands and up, searching for Hive to come surging at him. "You know, this is awfully green with plant life to be the moon. Are we back on Earth somehow, somewhere other than Russia?" If Ghost could have shrugged, he would have. All his scans were confusing to say the least and so he didn't feel a need to share them with the Guardian until he had sorted them out. [b]"I don't know yet, but I'm working on that. Wait a minute, I'm picking something up...to your left!"[/b] Spinning and leaping backwards at the same time, the Skeleton's hand swipes empty hair just before being blown apart by a well placed shot from the Hand Cannon. At the same time, James took note of a person, seemingly human, running across the fields some ways away and holstered his Hand Cannon to draw the Patience and Time from his back. Climbing a nearby tree in an effort to avoid more skeletons, which he was sure was some new Hive creature, he scoped up on her. "Well, she's got green hair and seems to be fairly distraught." Looking behind her, he spots another girl, this one riding a...well, it was some kind of animal for sure, apparently in pursuit. "And someone's giving chase to her. What should we do?" [b]"Which ever thing isn't likely to get us shot at or ripped to shreds?"[/b] A chuckle came from the Guardian as he lined up a shot that would graze the mounted girl's front, not actually hitting her but making her come up short if he was fortunate. "Just have the Sparrow ready." Ghost started to protest, but didn't get a chance to as the sniper rifle went off, the round passing through the air inches from the animal mounted woman's face. Rolling, James expertly landed on his feet as he switched back to the Ace of Spades, but frowned at the lack of a Sparrow. "Uh, where's the Laurelbearer?" Ghost gave a sigh before speaking, his little icon appearing in the top right of the Guardian's HUD. [b]"I tried to tell you I couldn't before you fired, but you didn't wait. We have no contact with the Vanguard or our Jump Ship. It would also seem my Resurrection Matrix has been disabled somehow, so dying would be a REALLY bad thing to have happen. I hope for our sake that the person you just shot at isn't great at tracking shots."[/b] With another chuckle, James took off towards where he'd seen the animal riding girl at a sprint, making sure to avoid any other skeletons so he wouldn't have to give his approach away.