[hr] [color=0054a6]-> Enter Name[/color] [b][color=black] Topcake McNo [/color][/b] [color=ed1c24]Nice Try Asshole[/color] [color=0054a6] Try Again?[/color] Your name is Fortid Ischyr and you CAN'T STAND SHIT! You are CONSTANTLY ANGRY, and you ARE ALWAYS ANNOYED. Because of this ANNOYANCE you have decided to partake in a RELEASING career; That being, a THRESHECUTIONER. Thanks to this aspiration, your weapon of choice is the SICKLE, which you've actually gotten pretty badass at. You train with the SICKLE during battles in EXTREME roleplay games that you often do with some of your friends, and you've become pretty notorious for SLAUGHTERING trolls and their Lususes both. Speaking of Lususes, you have the BEST one ever, whom is basically just an ENORMOUS FUCKING SCORPION. You are currently on your 9th sweep, and you LOVE pop punk music, although a lot of your friends think you're a nerd for it. You have a few other INTERESTS, such as CAGE FIGHTING and watching mediocre sci-fi, which you refuse to think is anything other than BADASS AS HELL. You've also been using TROLLIAN, a semi-new IM service, and your troll tag is rampantCrone. You are PERPETUALLY AGGRAVATED, and tend to yell EXCLUSIVELY. [hider=Fortid Ischyr] Name: Fortid Ischyr Age: 8 1/2 Sweeps Gender: Male Blood: Sapphire Appearance: [url=http://taiyakidesu.deviantart.com/art/Fantroll-Aquila-Vates-335781473] Credit Taiyakidesu on Deviantart (Ignore Trolltag) [/url] Symbol: See image above (On Shirt) Lusus: Scorpion Dad Handle: rampantCrone (RC) Quirk: YOU YELL A LOT, BECAUSE YOU'RE PISSED A LOT. But when you're not angry, you talk pretty normally. Sylladex: Stick/Poke (When he puts something into his Sylladex it creates a small symbol on the back of his hand, which he has to stab to retrieve Items) Strife Specibus: Sicklekind (looks a bit like [url=http://imgur.com/aQ3UjyG]this[/url]) God Tier: Heir of Rage Moon: Prospit Land: Stone and Sulfur [/hider]