[center] Dredge shrugged. "Some sort of weapon." he grabbed ahold the buried dagger and pulled it free, looking at it in disbelief. And then he laughed. "This! This pathetic thing couldn't pick my teeth," he said, handing it to Viggo. [i]A mushroom cloud of fire burst into the nights sky, painting it in violent hues of red and gold. A shockwave of air and ash sweeped through the jungle, catching foliage and bark alike. In places the gust hit hardest, the bark of trees and brush began to smolder orange and yellow. Fingers of cinder caressed the forest and tongues of fire whispered stories of impending inferno. A behemothic shape rises among the smoke to the north, a shadow hidden by ashen clouds. The forest is moments away from bursting into flame... there might be a way to stop it, or it might be best to run.[/i][/center]