[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/crAlBwD.png[/img] [color=9966cc][h3][i][u]~Eris~[/u][/i][/h3][/color] [/center] Having just finished the final draft for the uniforms that would be used by the crew of the Ivory Masks attraction for the school festival, the maid cafe [i]La Soleil[/i], and with no extra activities to do for the day, Eris left the school building behind her. She was quite confident in her designs, if for nothing else, because of the fact that she did knew how a true maid was supposed to dress. There were rumors about the Ebony Strykers trying to 'fight fire with fire', after their long retirement from the school festivals thanks to the fact that their sole member for years is so much of a misanthrope that Eris wondered if Moon Rider wasn't a reference to a certain knight said to live on moon. Either way, it was not of Eris' concern right now, the only thing she wanted to do was go back home and take a bath, before deciding what to do of the weekend along with Cassandra. [i][color=9966cc]"Thinking about her, it's strange that Cassandra hasn't sent a single message through all the morning."[/color][/i] Eris thought before sending a message to Cassandra: [quote] [b]To:[/b] [color=9966cc][i]Cassandra O'Shera.[/i][/color] [b]From:[/b] [color=9966cc][i]Eris Reinhardt.[/i][/color] [b]Subject:[/b] [color=9966cc][i]-[/i][/color] [color=9966cc][i]Good morning, Cassandra. I am writing to ask if you have any plans to the weekend, at all, or anything else you would like to do? Other than tending to the whims of White Sun, that is. I do not have any particular plans, so I can accommodate to whatever you feel like doing. Right now I am going back home, but I may stop by the Mall, before going to my apartment. If you feel like it, you are welcome to join me either on the real world or later, on Deep Ground. On an unrelated note, this may seem like a weird question, coming from me, but... Do you perhaps know how to cook crepes? I'll tell you more when we meet. Farewell.[/i][/color] [/quote] Eris could feel her face burning bright red after such a question, but she set whatever thoughts were going on her head aside as she waited under the fancy canopy of one of Purple Crown's bus stops along with a growing group of students, that had finished their club activities as well, for the next bus to arrive. Just at that very moment, two events that Eris was also more or less anticipating, since they have become common facts on her life, on the past three days. First was a message of none other than White Sun, or Chiyo Kuroke, telling Eris to meet her at the Mall. At this point, Eris had already made peace with the fact that now, she was little more than a attack dog of the White King, if for no other reason, because this was the best way to keep Cassandra safe. For all her power in game, family history, titles, resources, etc, Eris had to admit that she wasn't able to protect Cassandra at all. But, no matter how big of a bitch Chiyo Kuroke might be, she had the means to do so, furthermore the White King even allowed Eris to fight mostly the foes she hated the most, that is the Sweepers and now the whole rest of the Ebony Strykers, flaunting her new toy before Moon Rider in game and the rest of the academy out of it, after all Eris' identity was well known by all at this point and these days, Chiyo kind of made point of having Eris' leash be as short as it can be, at the rather unreasonable request she just made, demonstrated. [i][color=9966cc]"But, if it's for Cassadra, I'll throw away whatever remainder of pride I have, it's not like it ever got me anywhere, in first place. I just don't want the only one I have to suffer because of me, while I cannot help, like Eins did. Not ag-"[/color][/i] Eris thought until she was disturbed by the second of the occurrences, Dana this time, quite typical of her... [color=9966cc]"So, it's you again, Dana, right?"[/color] Eris replied is a neutral way, sighing as the bus she waited for was taking its time to arrive. She wasn't even surprised by Dana's appearance, though she had been taken off guard for a moment. In fact, Eris could swear that she saw the blonde come of a bush, though there was not even a since one of that size nearby, just a few decorative hydrangeas; Eris thought that perhaps she was seeing things, maybe? Either way, just as the bus arrived, a question came to her head and Eris turned to ask Dana. [color=9966cc]"You certainly know a lot about me, though I get that it's your job to do so. However, I would like to ask something out of you... your employer, if I'm not wrong, is the same as mom's, right? If that's the case, she's also the mother of Yoshino Tsugumi and Chiyo Kuroke, can you tell me what you know about them? I promise I will make up for your time, however I can."[/color] Eris asked as she found a place to sit near the middle of the bus, replying with a nonchalant smile when a duo of other students skipped a seat just to avoid her. [center][h3][i][color=00aeef][u]~Others~[/u][/color][/i][/h3] [/center] [color=bf0147]"Hey there, Prez! You need to be less stiff, y'know? I'm just done with that articl-what?"[/color] Emma lifted her head to reply to Thomas, just as Maribel barged into the club room. For a moment, Emma didn't knew what to say, merely staring at the Blue King and her... unusual behavior, even for someone as idiosyncratic as Maribel Harper is, in first place. [color=bf0147]"Erm, I guess that this is not what they mean when they say, break a leg, y'know? Anyway has anything happened with you, Bluey, you seem kinda... weir- Oh, come on, what's it now?"[/color] Emma sighed in exasperation as another hubbub came from the door. When she turned to look, Emma saw that it was the newbie, Hibiki, if Emma's memory was right, that had tripped when she came in carrying a box that could have only one thing inside of it. Luckily none other than Michael, the very own Red King, saved both Hibiki and her cargo. [color=bf0147]"Thanks, Boss!"[/color] Emma said as she tried to help them. [color=bf0147]"Are you ok, Hibiki, right? We can't let our newbie get hurt on her first day at the job. What was the big idea of having the newbie bring our new printer, anyway?"[/color] Emma asked, unsure of even what to do on this confusion, other than trying to help Hibiki to a chair. [hr] [@Caits], [@RoflsMazoy], [@Lord of Evil], [@Ryonara], [@TheWindel].