[color=6ecff6][center][h1]Nevan[/h1][/center] [/color] [color=6ecff6] “I can use magic~” [/color]Nevan whistled, after listening to the others presenting their powers and what they can do and the discussion escalated into a small apparent power struggle for the leader’s position. She sighed and shook her head in despair. [color=6ecff6][i]‘Men…’[/i][/color] [color=6ecff6]“Anyway, I have powers over multiple kinds of magics ranging from light magic, to darkness and even physical enchantments. Others are also possible, but due certain reasons I cannot really make use of them without throwing myself into energy coma for days.”[/color] The demon looking woman explained her powers to the other girls in the group, creating a small ball of light in her hand, before turning it into a stationary laser pellet.[color=6ecff6]” I release this and well… lasers.” [/color]She smiled and made it disappear. [color=6ecff6]“As for you three… I vote for the hoverfly guy, but not that it matters right now.”[/color] She suddenly stated to the men, throwing them a judging looks. She was probably older than all of them combined, not that they needed to know that of course. She smiled and pointed a finger at Joshua.[color=6ecff6]” You have qualities for a king… not a leader.”[/color] She stated, turning to Chris.[color=6ecff6]” As for you… you are way to confident in your intelligence. A leader doesn’t need to be the most intelligent. A leader first and foremost needs to have the charisma to lead. The strong, the intelligent and the others all should revolve around the leader, not the other way around.”[/color] She stated, her tail swinging pleasantly behind her. [color=6ecff6]“In short, it’s impossible to actually tell whom of you three manchildren should have the leader position. That will become apparent naturally with time as the team gets used to one another. Now stop this senseless bickering, we aren’t in medieval times.” [/color]