[center][h3][color=dimgray]Nyx - The Iron Maiden[/color][/h3][/center] Nyx sighed inwardly, crossing her right leg over the left as she leaned back in her seat and lowered her head to her chin. This was not the first time a meeting like this was called... Though something of this magnitude had never come up before, she knew it was all going to be a pain at the end of the day. She cursed aloud, softly, not that she cared that anyone would hear-- she sat abnormally far away from the others who naturally gathered at the front-- but because she wanted to be sure she heard everything the GM and the accused were saying. Of all the dumb things to do, Hikaru had to fuck with the KOB. The thought again of the backlash the Guild would receive this time made her cringe. Somehow, as a close friend and ally to the GM, she always got wrapped up in whatever shit the Brotherhood was accused for. Sad part was, Nyx was also rather close to the bastard in question. The man had some serious issues, no one could doubt that, but he was an asset to the Guild that was too precious to give up. It was always something with him... He was never satisfied with anything. But this... This was him going too far. As Hikaru began to plea his case so to speak, Nyx couldn't help but see the truth in his words. They WERE all killers... Even someone like her, one who had never the need to raise her sword to another player, was responsible for the death of dozens of players... Idiots who thought her Alias was just a Myth. She scoffed. [color=dimgray]"Iron Maiden... Of all things. I'll be the one to end the bastard who came up with that name. Though... It's not the worst among those here."[/color] she mumbled under her breath. A small smirk formed on her lips; not that anyone would see it with what she was wearing. Focusing again on what Hikaru was preaching this time around, she couldn't help but notice some things he was saying, he'd confessed to her once before in Private. The one thing she had in common with him were the treatment of Breakers within the game. It was true there was only a handful of them left... The lucky ones who managed to make it into the Brotherhood before they were hunted or tossed in jail just for existing. Hiding in plain sight... Having to walk around this already fucked up world in fear of those who all just want the same thing as they do... To be free of this damned game. Nyx herself was less than happy about the circumstances. She couldn't blame Hikaru for how he felt. Whatever the glitch was... A cheat or a blessing... It certainly gave Breakers a one-up so to speak... And it was wrong that they had to live believing they were inferior. Her agreements with Hikaru stopped there, however, as his whole plan to "rule" was just him being a nutcase. Fair treatment was what she wanted... In a world where tomorrow was uncertain and death was inevitable, The Brotherhood provide Breakers with something as close to that as they could get. The sound of metal brought her eyes back up to the front of the Hall, as Hikaru charged forward and without a moments hesitation, slit the throat of the GMs right hand man. Nyx was on her feet in the blink of an eye. To her horror, the man seemed stunned as he clutched his throat before combusting into a mist of crystals, pronounced dead. [color=dimgray]"What the-"[/color] Her words were cut off by the sound of the GM yelling for everyone to close their eyes. Nyx did so in an instant, bringing her arm up to cover her face on instinct. A moment passed and she lowered her arm, blinking and looking around her. The whole room seemed stunned and Hikaru's voice pierced through the silence and he demanded the death of the GM herself. Nyx thought for a moment the bastard had completely lost it... And then all hell broke loose. In a matter of seconds, people began turning to their friends, swords raised and ready to fight to the death. Nyx regained her composure and paid them all no mind. With her right hand dead, she knew the GM would need someone by her side, and so she began to move towards her, pushing through the crowd. From the corner of her eye, she saw a shadow move towards the exit and she cursed again. The bastard was trying to get away was he? Biting her lower lip in thought, Nyx pondered whether to protect her GM or go after Hikaru. With a roll of her light blue eyes, she I equipped her uniform cloak and replaced it with her armor set, equipping Rapture at her back. With one last look at Vegnya, she decided the woman would be alright on her own and began the pursuit of Hikaru. She had barely reached the edge of the massive brawl before a light pain pierced her chest as a sword tore through her body, the end exposed at the juncture between her breasts. With a sigh, she closed her eyes. [color=dimgray]"What the hell do you think you're doing?"[/color] she asked, annoyance weighing heavily on her tone. "Finally... I get to kill you like I've always wanted, you bitch." Said the voice of a cloaked guild mate. Slowly she stepped away from the man, the sword slowly pulling away and out of her chest. She turned to him then and placed a hand on her hip. [color=dimgray]"You can't kill me."[/color] she said, watching as her health already started to regenerate. "Dont think so? We all know your Breaker, bitch. You think you're invincible? Huh! Anyone who has more health than you can take you down, and I'm just the one to do it." The guy said with a smirk as he raised his sword and swung at her. Nyx allowed the weapon to slash her, and she watched curiously as his health began to drop along with hers. His health was good she would give him that. Obviously he was a VIT based Tank. He made the same mistake as the rest however, assuming her light armor meant she was sporting lower health than in reality. Reaching up, Nyx pushed aside some of her hair that had fallen into her face. [color=dimgray]"You seem like the type that doesn't have a fully functional brain so I'll talk slow so you can understand. You can't kill me. It took a long time for me to figure it out... Dumb players like you think it's all about your stats don't you? Never thinking about what equipment you should wear that suits you best. I can tell by looking at you... You're the type to buy the most expensive gear you can find, regardless of what it does to your skills. Since I'm feeling nice, I'll fill you in."[/color] she told him, crossing her arms across her chest. [color=dimgray]"I'm a STR/VIT build. At the start of the game I knew I wanted to be able to dish out damage and survive. That was all I cared about. As time went on I managed to figure out exactly what equipment fit my stats so I can have the exact build I want. Put simply, you could call me a Tank. My sword raises my strength stat by nearly half so long as my level is under seventy. This armor set gives the added effect of a boost in vitality based upon my strength stats, my head piece gives a boost in agility based on my strength. My cloak gives the me a boost of Defense based on vitality, and that coupled with my Battle Healing skill, I've made it so that I'm virtually unkillable at this level. If you got all that, it essentially means that not a single soul in this room has the DPS or the Health Points to kill me before me and my Breaker kills them, simple as that. Unless of course they were about twenty or so levels above me, then I'd have reason to concern. Get all that through that thick helmet of yours?"[/color] Without another word, Nyx turned on her heels and began to walk out of the room and after Hikaru. He may have been long gone by then, but Nyx wanted to have no part in the death that was sure to ensue. She was about ready to leave all this behind in fact, walk right out the doors and never come back... But well, that probably wouldn't turn out as well as she wanted. [center][color=dimgray][b]Nyx - Dispatched: O - Involved With: None - In Persuit of Hikaru[/b][/color][/center]