[b][u]March, 1910[/u][/b] [center][img]http://www.hoi4wiki.com/images/e/e9/Democracy.png[/img][/center] The [b]Continent[/b], so often called, was the epicenter of the world. Not a radical idea to be certain, but a poignant one nonetheless. While the Faresian nations weathered under the babying steps of industrialism at the hands of Continental masters and Serranthian--connected by a land bridge--workers fared no better, the Continent remained the industrial, political and economic heartland of the entire world. The Continent was seeing a renewed economic prosperity not seen since the late 1830's. In short, life was good. The Winter of 1909 ended abruptly in February, casting aside heavy snows for early mornings that were chilly at worst. In the east, Estalian trade through the Strait intensified and the Inner Sea was abound with fruitful fishermen, Blutlandic tourist cruises and Thecian beach goers. [center][img]http://2wards-europe.eu/files/2WARdS%20-%20Europe/Partners/Finland/gallery_photos/Viljakkala/Viljakkala%201910s%20Photo%20collection%20of%20Anna-Maija%20Sankari.JPG[/img] [i]Staratian Countryside, March 1910[/i][/center] [u][b]March 7th, 1910[/b][/u] Saurilian diplomat Librus Konrad dies at 71. He was famous for negotiating trade treaties with the Blacovicz Republic and Swaeda. He is given a state sponsored ceremony in the capital, though given the soggy weather, few attend. [u][b]March 12th, 1910[/b][/u] The [b]Foulois Accord[/b] begins, with the nations of [b][color=darkred]Zellonia[/color][/b], [b][color=orange]Estalia[/color][/b], [b][color=purple]Tyro-Antari Empire[/color][/b] and [b][color=red]Blutland[/color][/b] all attend. The topic is to discuss the future of the ownership of the Koringas Islands, off the Southern coast of Blutland. These three islands, ethnically Estalian (31,953 citizens living there and 29,524 reported as Estalian citizens), are currently owned by the Tyro-Antarian Empire, garrisoned by the 994th Artillery Brigade (2,800 men with 14 guns) after they revolted in 1908 and Estalia hesitated in dispatching soldiers to put the revolt down. The Accord has been called by Estalia in hopes of seeing their islands returned to them. The Accord will last a single month, taking place in the city of Korica, in neighboring Thecia. Blutland and Zellonia, though it's unlikely either nation will ultimately take ownership, have something to gain here by swaying the geopolitical situation in within the Inner Sea. [[b]ATTENDING NATIONS[/b] Must send 5 Delegates with their names and await PMs for further details]. [u][b]March 17th, 1910[/b][/u] The [b][color=orange]Estalian[/color][/b] luxury liner [i]Blanco[/i], which disappeared last week, is found to have sunk while returning to port. The [i]Blanco[/i], the second largest luxury liner in the world behind the Saurilian [i]Marillo[/i], makes national headlines. [-1 [b][color=orange]Estalian Stability[/color][/b]] [hr] [All [b]Nations[/b] may now post IC. Attaching their [b]Yearly Budgets[/b] to the bottom.] [1 Post per Year/Turn is required. No more.]