Monica blinked at Naisha's description. "Like... a Controlled Scientific experiment? Like Alchemy...?" She somewhat pictured Naisha brewing magic at a bench with beakers and chuckled a bit... and then she really thought about it... She just wasn't capable like anyone around her. "Magic sounds a bit dangerous... Which seems why so few are actually capable..." She mused as she set a finger over her lips. "I remember my mother spoke of a women she encountered called 'The Baroness'... There are many stories about her... Buuuut... Every Story has some form on influence in many cultures... On my home world, we simply call her 'Daskra'... It means 'The Beyonder'." She chuckled before setting her cup down, looking at Ferrer and giving a light pet on his head, even if shakily. "As for your... Demonic being..." Monica scrunched her eyes somewhat, trying to roll "Demonic Being" with ease on her tongue. "I have not the slightest clue... But it sounds like a difference of fundamentals... Like how gravity differs planet to pancake." "Like how your cooking Differs compared to mine?" Roy smirked. "Shut up Roy..." Monica glared somewhat. She looked back to the mighty Seraph. "I also... Know very little about Seraphs such as him... But I just know you're all in very safe company... albeit a bit..." She frowned internally, she pictured Cassius wedged between Ferrer and Roy on what looked like a Pallet, meanwhile her being all alone. Of course this was only when Cassius was younger... "Clingy I want to say...?" Monica chuckled. "Cassius is..." She did not want to seem offensive twords anyone, but... he was out of the room. "He is a bit... Eccentric..." She felt her eyes shift to Maria, then Ferrer, she mentally crawled under her desk as if it were a Fallout shelter. "By that I mean... He is a REALLY intelligent person, incredibly so... But he is very... stand off like... And so he basically has two glorified... Bodyguards..." She chuckled, almost saying "Pets." "I thought you were about to call us his boyfriends." Roy joked, somewhat nudging Ferrer... He could just feel Maria glaring through her sunhat, daggers for eyes, and seven times as sharp as diamond. "Might as well be..." Monica giggled. "I mean, you were thinking it. Or something like that... Maybe?" Roy smirked as he tilted his head. "Shouldn't you keep an eye on your boyfriend?" Monica said jokingly. "He isn't my-" Monica shoved what was basically a cookie into his mouth... She made sure Roy had the Chocolate, and spared Ferrer it... Last thing she needed to do was prepare anti-diarrhea based medicine. "Oooh... I forgot to introduce him... This is Ferrer, and Roy. The Stuffed Animal is Roy... This Muscular one... Is Ferrer... So it is hard to mix them up... and I am Monica... A Doctor, and a farmer. But... I will keep in mind you want your food uncooked..." She shuttered. "So... You address Alex like... What is... Are you two..." Roy coughed. [i]"Lesbiannnns~"[/i] Cough. "Roy." Monica scolded before looking over the red headed women with the cynbernetic arm. "You two are not forgotten about by the way... Just... You're all reaaallly quiet..." Cassius swayed back in somewhat. He noticed the Felinoid. "There you are. Come to take in the sight? Welcome to Luyay."