Ezmeralda frowned, eyes ahead at who she knew was Vegnya and Hikaru. Even with the cloak she could tell by their voices. She knew the former pretty well, but she often stayed clear of Hikaru. He always gave her bad vibes. He acted civil enough usually, but his eyes held a dsturbing quality. Like a man that could cause trouble at any given time. Ezzy wanted none of that. Even on missions where they had to work together, she kept her distance and would have prefered to have gone solo or with someone much weaker. She didn't need much help to take down high level bosses. With a bit of time and someone to tank for her she could take down almost anything even without her Breaker due to her ridiculous attack values. Her Crossblade grew as she did exponentially and she was now one of the highest. That said, she didn't quite understand the situtation here. She never undertsood why players wanted her and people like her dead. Wouldn't it make more sense to friend someone with this kind of power so they could clear the game together? Ezzy was happy to help anyone if they asked her. She could only break it down to simple jealousy. It's not like she asked for this, though....it just happened. She didn't even like using her Breaker. It made her go a little wild, and the longer she used it, the worse it got. Ezzy snapped out of her thoughts as she noticed motion where Vegnya and Hikaru were. She gasped and dashed to help. But it wasn't long before someone managed to grab her by the arm. The fact that he managed to stop her with her speed was actually quite impressive. [color=fff200]"Let go. I don't have time for this..."[/color] "So it is you, Ezmeralda. That gasp gave me a hint, but your voice confirms it." He said taking off the Regent. She had seen him a couple times, but never met him. He looked like a pretty average guy even as far as the Brotherhood went, he wasn't even a very high level. She took off hers as well. Ezzy didn't like using it anyway. He sized her up before speaking again, "Such nice....equipment. Did the GM buy that for you?" She realized he was now mocking her. [color=fff200]"No, actually. I did. And the sword I've always had. Please let go. I have more important things to deal with than you."[/color] He didn't. Instead he drew a sword with his other arm and stabbed it at her stomach. Ezzy wasn't too worried about it, but why get hit when you could avoid it? She took a step back and let it pass by before planting a knee firmly in his stomach. The man finally released her, allowing her to draw her Crossblade. She gripped her blade firmly and sent a slash across his chest while he was still trying to get his breath back. She then watched as his health appeared and dropped down to a mere smidgen. [color=fff200]"Try me again when you're stronger, however I would expect the same result..."[/color] "Wh-What kind of....hack is this?" he said, obviously struggling. [color=fff200]"I may be an IT Security Specialist, but I'm no hacker. I'm what you could call a reverse hacker. A glitch is not a hack, anyway. Please learn your terms."[/color] And with she turned and headed to Vegnya at a dash. Her Sprint and speed bringing her there very quickly. Ezzy skidded to a stop next to her, [color=fff200]"Boss! Are you alright?"[/color] she asked, concern obvious on her adorable features. The woman didn't appear hurt physically, but her eyes held a more emotional pain. [color=fff200]Ezmeralda || Dispatched: None || Invovled with: Vegnya (whose name is very hard to spell!)[@Volenvradica][/color]