[color=orchid][h1][center]Sophia Danvers[/center][/h1][/color] [color=orchid][h3][center]Inside the Pokecentre[/center][/h3][/color] [@Heckno12] [@Iatos] [@AbysmalDemon] [@OtomostheCrazy] All Sophia could do at first was stand frozen to the spot. She could feel her face turning beetroot red with embarrassment and anger as the girl cracked up in hysterics. Not only that, but the person who'd seen the trashed room had just re-entered the lobby. It would take a lot of work to prove herself in front of these people. [color=orchid]"Oh really?"[/color] she sneered at the girl. She'd have the last laugh yet, she'd make sure of it. [color=orchid]"Like we need your help. At least that way you'll get to watch me. You'll learn a thing or two. Heh, you need to, considering how you did yesterday."[/color] She raised her head in a display of pride. A piece of rotting algae slid from her hair and splattered onto her shirt. Ugh... She couldn't face this group any more. Turning back to the desk, she passed the Pokeballs to the nurse. Glancing back up at the broken lights, she instantly regretted returning. Maybe Kero had been right. She'd have to stock up on potions with what little money she had left, or find some berries. These machines could heal Pokemon in no time, but how much energy did they use? [color=orchid]"Here's a little more to go towards what happened earlier,"[/color] she mumbled, handing over a small amount of money. She checked how much she still had - just about enough for one, maybe two potions, and some food. Hopefully she'd get a decent amount of cash from the gym battle. At least the guy she'd spoken to earlier hadn't reacted too badly, and neither had Rheese. [color=orchid]"Well, I was going to head to the gym. If you're not quite ready, feel free to watch. I'm sure I'll set you a good example,"[/color] she replied to the man's question. [color=orchid]"Once I'm cleaned up, that is."[/color] As the nurse passed her a towel, she took it and disappeared into the women's bathroom. She re-emerged some time later in her change of clothes, a matching purple waistcoat and skirt, and a clean white shirt, free of seaweed sludge. With her travel detergent, she'd got most of the algae stains out of her other clothes and dried them the best she could with the towel and hand dryer, but she'd probably still have to leave them out in the sun for a while. At least this had been a more private place to get changed than the beach, around that Kero guy. There had been plenty of rocks to hide behind, but still... Retrieving the Pokeballs from the nurse, she turned back to the rest of the group, her usual grin on her face. [color=orchid]"Anyone ready to go?"[/color]