[center][hr][hr][h2][color=6ecff6][b]The Docks[/b][/color][/h2] [img]http://i.gyazo.com/cdf57660966f96d8ccfb135dce3a3783.png[/img][hr][hr] [color=6ecff6][h3][b]5th of September • 9AM • A brisk, chilly but sunny day[/b][/h3][/color][/center] The cool salt air drifts in from the ocean on a light breeze, bringing with it the cries of the dock workers and the sound of rushing water. Meandering cobble streets interlace with waterways and towers drenched in waterfalls, seperating buildings by quaint little bridges over moats. The further inland you go, the steeper the slope. Slowly the more homely dock buildings and taverns are replaced with more refined structures of white stone and paved paths. When you crest the next hill, you see it: The Prime District, encircled in a huge canal of water. Today there is quite a crowd. Induction day for new students! You pass little gaggles of them, meandering their way up the street. Some have gathered in larger groups, excitedly nattering about the day ahead, comparing something on their hands. You pay it no head and walk further up: At the gates leading to the main Academy building and courtyard there is a line of [b]Five Stewards,[/b] checking incoming student's bags and directing them to where they need to go. [center][h2][color=A625E7][b]You feel the tides of Fate change.[/b][/color][/h2] [color=A625E7][b]Optional Fate Added[/b]:[/color] Complete the entire initiation process. [sub][i]rewards vary[/i][/sub].[/center]