[center][h3][b]| S T E W A R D A S S I G N M E N T |[/b][/h3][hr][i]~Do not have to interact with the Stewards immediately if you don't want to~[/i][hr][/center] [center][h3][color=hotpink][b]The Upbeat Student[/b][/color][/h3] A peppy upbeat Intermediate Student is free by the time you get around to being attended to by the Stewards. She has long brown hair tied up in pigtails and motions you over when you approach.[/center] [@RedDusk][color=B22222]Jagred Degray of the Fire Eyes[/color] // [@ScreenAcne][color=chocolate]Balith Benker[/color] [center][h3][b]Cloacked Official[/b][/h3][/center] "You approach the line of Stewards. It takes a while, but one of the cloaked officials is finally free. You approach for inspection." [@duskshine749][color=00FF7F]Zephyr Hierro of The Elemental Blades[/color] // [@tathgon][color=a0d6b4]Maxwell Rydell of The Peacekeepers[/color] [@SilverDawn][color=F7D6B5]Elemette of the Attendants[/color] // [@Mae][color=43B8CC]Fitzgerald of the Spinning Cogs[/color] [@DarkStar][color=1E90FF]Tainith of The Judging Scholars[/color] [@tal0n][color=lightpink]Arcadia “Cady” Rozaire of The Augmenters[/color] // [center][h3][color=FF4500][b]One of the Guards[/b][/color][/h3] ""Theres a gruff bearded man in armour, wearing the sigil of the Prime District Guards. He has a no-nonsense attitude and he's processing the new students remarkably efficiently."[/center] [@FantasyChic][color=lightpink]Tryll Lumiere of The Augmenters[/color] // [@Jorik][color=9966CC]Allan Banta[/color] [@Kimi][color=hotpink]Kaela of the Hands of Healing[/color] [center][h3][b][color=peru]Augustus[/color][/b][/h3] "There's an ancient man who looks like he's moments away from being turned to dust by the sands of time. He's shuffling about, cracking cheeky jokes to students as he stamps them in and getting away with it, mostly because everyone is afraid he may have a heart attack at any moment. He's in exceptionally good spirits, though.[/center] [@Iktomi][color=1E90FF]Acron of The Raging Winds[/color] // [@Eklispe][color=#f17105]Jarvan Gearshield[/color] // [@Brasslazer][color=crimson][b]Alexander of The Diamond Looking Glasses[/b][/color] //