Jet wasn't happy with all of the question people. She one was not in the mood anymore for questions she had no answers to. She wouldn't appear a fool so she had stayed silent as the they all slowly forgot of her exisitance. It wasn't the first time she simplely faded into the scenery. She was quitegood at it if iu suppose. [@Pineappletumble] She watched the newcomers come in. It was always a flow of new people. Here, she liked that, the new faces, the entertainment from it. Realizing herself without drink patiently she raised a few fingers towards the barmaid she sull hasn't caught a name to. [@Alisdragon911] Taking in details there's were mostly men now in the tavern, that was the case most of the time. One in particular, who lit the sense of danger right up here again. It had been creeping up, as it does with new people, and had decided to show itself. Her hair Darking to a shade of ink black as the darkness started weaving up her arm. [color=00a99d]"Can I get a glass of whiskey. Don't care what type. " [/color]