Akira was stood over to one side of the Grand Hall, maintaining his distance from his 'brothers' and 'sisters'. This was very typical of how he dealt with any situation that involved the guild in its entirety. The occasion, one of the members of the Brotherhood was standing trial for PKing members of the Knights of Blood Oath. Although run ins with the Knights of Blood Oath wasn't a rarity these sort of trials were. After all the Brotherhood typically tried to avoid un-necessary confrontation with the assualt team wherever possible, at least that was Akira's understanding of the situation. Akira simply watched as the trial unfolded before them, occasionally glancing round at the other guild members. With such a large collective of players one should always keep their guard up, many of the Brotherhood members had different beliefs and outlooks and this was a dangerous catalyst. Hikaru's ramblings would continue. But within the ramblings of a madman some might oft finds words with at least some meaning to them. True, they were all murderers, if you could really word it as such. Most within the brotherhood had only killed as a matter of self defence, many of its members had been targeted by the Laughing Coffin for one reason or another. If it wasn't the Laughing Coffin then one of the next most likely suspects was The Army. All breakers suffered from this affliction of Guilds gunning for them simply for being who they were. It wouldn't be surprising if members of the Brotherhood that have had particularly nasty occurences with other guilds were Hikaru's target audience. Though it would appear that Hikaru was trying to play certain breaker mindsets to his advantage, as shortly into the trial he was shouting trying to incite the guild members who looked on. Akira couldn't tell if the talk of unrest within the guild was a big a threat as people made out, his intel on the matter was limited as most members of the guild chose to actively avoid him. Akira gave a side ward glance as he watched over the room once more, beginning to feel uneasy about where Hikaru's speech might eventually lead his right hand moves down the side of his robe and rests softly atop the pommel of his weapons grip. [color=00a651]"This guys losing it..."[/color] Akira mumbled to himself as he continued to watch on, talk of ruling over the normal players. Although the idea was slightly enticing it was also stupid, the guild didn't have the numbers to enforce such a ruling and the Oath sworn to the guild would strongly oppose such thinking. Though Hikaru spoke of people fearing guilt of defecting it seemed evident that what he feared was the uncertainty of his fate. As Akira raised a brow in confusion Hikaru had chosen the solution to cement his fate certainty. The event was almost instantaneous, for within a moment Fenixrite became nothing more but raw data as he dispersed from existence within the game, his data deleted. Temporarily stunned by what had unfolded there was an inevitable delay in his response to the Grand Master's warning as Akira instinctively raised his arm towards his face and clenched his eyes shut. It was clear that Hikaru was still shouting to the other guild members but the ringing in Akira's ears, and his distance from the front of the hall made it impossible for him to make out. By the time Akira's vision had returned to him the players within the Grand Hall had resorted to violence. Akira confused looks on as he notices that this violence was infighting, there was no attacker other than Sister and Brother against one another. [color=00a651]"What the hell is going on..."[/color] Akira glanced back towards the front of the hall as he saw Vegnya heading toward the crowd of fighting players. [color=00a651]"Grand Master!"[/color] His voice was drowned out by the clashing of weapons in the background, though it would appear it had drawn unwanted attention as a player broke off from the crowd approaching Akira. Akira responded in turn as he drew his weapon steadying in his hand as his opponent approached him, clearly someone did not know who they were picking a fight with. [color=00a651]"Stand down Brother, if you come at me you'll regret it."[/color] Akira took a defensive stance, he had no intention of engaging his opponent unless he had to. Though the necessity would soon be made clear as the robed figure charged at Akira ready to cut him down where he stood. [color=00a651]"You swore the oath!..."[/color] Akira shouted as the players blade was swung down towards Akira who parried away the attack as a small drop appeared on his HP bar as the sword skimmed down the side of his arm. [color=00a651]"Now pay the price for breaking it."[/color] His opponent would be offered no opportunity to follow up, nor shown any sign of mercy as Akira forced his sword through his opponents gut, the small amount of health he lost replenishing itself. [color=00a651]"Farewell brother."[/color] Akira speaks as his opponents body slopped against the hilt of his weapon before the word [b][color=ed1c24]DEAD[/color][/b] appeared above his head and he disappeared without a trace of existence. Akira headed toward the frey, though he was intent on avoiding confrontation. Off on another edge of the madness he could make out a familiar player walking away from it all as a robed player impaled her through the back. Another misfortunaye player, though it wasn't much of a stretch to consider people picking a fight with Nyx to be within the un-educated ranks of the guild. Though it seemed Nyx would maintain the calm to overlook the transgression as Akira watched her walk away. [color=00a651]"Where the hell is she going?..."[/color] Though an answer to the question would definitely be worth seeking Akira pushed it from his mind, there was more pressing matters to attend to. The Grand Master was towards the front of the hall, or at least that was where he lost sight of her. Pulling down the hood of his robe, Akira slowly edged toward the death match occurring before his eyes, he had to find the Grand Master no one player could handle this on their own. Akira brought up his menu setting his tracker on Vegnya so that he could locate her easier, assuming she didn't block the marker at least. Sword ready Akira stepped between combating guild members, those already engaged seem to be completely ignorant of his presence as though guided by some underlying rage forcing them to see the battle through to the end. Amongst the madness Akira noticed a player hesitating as he approached. [color=00a651]"Fight, if you don't fight, you'll die."[/color] Akira says as he steps before the player deadlocking an attack meant to slay the hesitant target. Akira overpowered the player and forces him back several paces as he lifts his hood, and disappears back into the sea of robes, only to pull it down again moments later. [color=00a651]"Come on, where are you..."[/color] Akira mumbles as he goes to check his tracker once more. [b][color=00a651]Akira Shadow || Dispatched: 1 || Players Directly Involved: None || Tracking: Vegnya [@Volenvradica][/color][/b]