[Center][h1][color=f7941d]Orez Shrin[/color][/h1][/center] [@dabombjk][@Noxx] Orez viewed Noxx's brief taste of life and could only think of one thing. Literally worse than a slaking. It seems they had finally decided that his plan was superior to the others in more ways than one. That he liked. What he didn't approve of was the sudden unasked for promotion to navigator of the team. [color=f7941d]"W-what? Why me?! You're the one with the map, -I mean. Sigh~"[/color] He places his hand up to his forehead to calm himself down and think. [color=f7941d]"Fine, whatever. It's practically straightforward anyway."[/color] He takes out his dex for navigation. Figures that he'd be the one leading them, afterall it was originally his idea. The group begins travelling to Mesalon (after a quick visit to the pokestore of course to stock up on whatever they need) and makes it upon the entrance of the first route. Due to the lack of civilization, the route has yet to display a sign telling them which route it actually was. It would henceforth be reffered to as route 101 according to Orez. The route was rather bright and open, with flowers, only a few trees, and one or two ponds to complete the simple scenery. Butterfree can be seen flying through the air, along with a flock of swablu. Or maybe those are clouds. Hard to tell really. It would be quite breathtaking if it weren't for his less than competent freinds. If you can even call them that, as they have been a little unfriendly since his first encounter with them. Having to drag them along has been an ordeal. Noxx seemed to be slightly more awake since they had left, after causing a scene in the pokestop twice of course. Actually the second scene might have been caused by his own attempts at waking her. Apparently potions sting when sprayed in the eyes. Who woulda thunk? And then there's mister push all of the worlds problems on someone else, aka Kyle. Don't even get started on that guy... All in all, Orez was having a pretty crappy day, and his traveling partners were being of no help. Hopefully something interesting would happen soon to chear him up... He looks up into the sky to see a rainbow colored flying pokemon go by... [color=f7941d]"Must be a braviary"[/color] he mumbles to himself before looking back down at his pokedex to get on to the task at hand. After a while of traveling, they had seen a multitude of pokemon. Including but not limited to a giant tree filled with Spinarak and Ariados, a Furret and Dunsparce sleeping together, and a traveling mask salesman. Wearing his new Golem mask, Orez comments his thoughts to his team mates. [color=f7941d]"I think now's a good a time as any to take a lunch break. I know it's not quite midday yet, but we did wake up pretty early."[/color] They were currently in a small clearing with no pokemon in sight. Orez tossed his bag on the ground and started unzipping it. [color=f7941d]"Did you guys bring lunch for yourselves?"[/color]