The sudden blast lit up the night sky brighter than she’d ever seen, causing her to shield her eyes from the piercing sting of the light. “Wha..?” She half-exclaimed, watching as what appeared to be a wave of fire ravaged the jungle further up ahead and the heat -even from that distance- could be felt on her bare skin. “Shit!” S’varkas stumbled down the tree, doing her best not to fall the entire way, but managed to gain a few seconds by catching the hanging vines and swinging to a more stable branch. She quickly hit the ground running and yelled out to the guardian machine. “[i]Ter’shulos![/i] Move dammit, now!” The golem, acknowledging the initial ancient command word, turned itself to face the direction of her master, and with it’s mighty legs pumping pistons and spinning gears, lumbered once again through the thick jungle at a speed no faster that a fast walk. She didn’t dare to look back, as it would most likely cause a fear far worse than she was feeling, but she also worried about the iron machine. It wasn’t built for speed or agility, but strength and resilience. It’s metal makeup combined with the infused magical properties, should protect it from high heat, but S’varkas didn’t know what sort of evil the fire was birthed from, and it may well swallow up [i]everything[/i] in it’s path. The girl looked ahead at the treeline to get her bearings, and realized that one of the underground storage facilities was close by, as long as she could make it to the hatch in time...