Ben had given the shade a friendly greeting and gone back to his own thing. But as the seconds slipped by he turned back to the ghost-like entity. A smile slowly curved onto his lips, though his eyes showed he was a bit confused, albeit amused, by the continual examination this one was giving him. Before he decided to speak, his friend Ayeka sat down next to him. She even referred to him as Sir. "[color=9e0b0f]And hello Lady Ayeka. You taking a break?[/color]" he asked her with a smile. He hadn't had much of a chance to talk to her in length since he was first brought here. His dark brown eyes caught a movement behind her, that woman from earlier obviously wanting her to get back to work. He'd wait to see if his Elven friend would need to go or not. [@Alisdragon911][@Varicke][@Song Book]