[center][img]https://images6.alphacoders.com/584/thumb-350-584470.jpg[/img] [h2]Kaminari Hotaru[/h2] [h3]The Firefly Maiden[/h3][/center] The wolf's ear twitched again, slim blue eyes sharpening in distrust. Inugami turned on his heel, tucking his clawed hands further into his coat's large sleeves. "Lady Hotaru, I must say I do not approve of this choice. However, as your familiar, I will respect it." The icy gaze shifted over his shoulder to Wolfram. "I will prepare a room for him." The words were laced with a poisonous tone, but before he could be questioned on it, Inugami swiftly left into the shrine. An arm swung around Wolfram's shoulder, the snake taking a bite from the already unwrapped candy bar. "Ehh, don't mind the mutt, he's always like that." Nure, despite his appearance, was completely dry. He leaned over in a friendly way to whisper in the priest's ear. "He acts like a big bad wolf, but he still is half dog. He won't really hurt anyone without his master's permission." The blonde nodded towards Hotaru, who was distracted by the little tanuki tugging on her dress and urgently asking if he could bring the packages inside, they becoming heavy for his tiny arms. The shrinemaiden simply nodded, Juju racing inside as she turned to see Nure quickly release Wolfram. Hotaru merely cocked a brow, before brushing it off. "Sorry about that, Wolfram. I forgot to mention how hectic it can get around here... I hope you don't mind." She nervously scratched the back of her neck. "Anyways, let's go inside. Inugami always has tea brewed, so you can relax for a bit. Maybe you could tell me about your trip and where you have to go?" Though she still seemed conversationally awkward, Hotaru was much more relaxed at the shrine, and it showed in her body language. She wasn't as tense as before, most likely due to the fact she was in her own environment. She began to lead the priest inside calmly, Nure rushing ahead to the kitchen, probably looking for food since he had finished his chocolate. Hotaru held out her hand to the small living room of the shrine, four comfortable looking tatami mats around an oaken table out looking the back garden, beautiful and well kept like the rest of the shrine. "Take a seat. I'll bring the tea." She offered in her quiet voice. [@dblade26]