[center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/66616de086a0d309acbc5a026924327c/tumblr_nph3y9lfcf1rijfv5o2_500.gif[/img][/center] [color=#FFBF00]”Sorry, I’m more of a city-goer. A generic pedestrian. Somebody who likes his feet on the ground, or rested on the floor of the occasional bus.”[/color] He waved off the offer with what by his standards was a courteous gesture. But that wasn’t the only state of confusion Styx would find himself in. Just like that the overlord of the MYO let somebody into their party, which kind of made the Ankou take back the hour he spent filling out that grueling application form. For the hell of it, he wrote that he self-identified as an attack helicopter. Now [i]that[/i] was an interesting and equally comical subsequent review session. Meanwhile, Boobsforbrains was having a panic attack. Perhaps she had eaten too much and the cholesterol was finally catching up. Wouldn’t that be a blessing for Seth, and by the looks of it, Makiko. Even though a ravine had formed in between the leader’s brows, she displayed an extensive amount of tolerance, especially for a grown ass young adult bawling over a ghost whose very existence has yet to be confirmed. Just then, Aamuu, the unnoticed kouhai came crashing down onto the street in an inelegant plummet. But rather than a collision with the asphalt, she met something a bit more squishier. [color=#FFBF00]”Hey, Aamuu, how does airdropping Yuina through the apartment win-”[/color] [color=#FFBF00][i]”No. No. Fuck no. My eyes must be deceiving me.”[/color] Styx rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Perlescent beads of pure gold waned and waxed in the transition from scrutiny to surprise. [color=#FFBF00][i]”How did an OTP flag form so quickly?! What is this, an anime or a fanfic? These series of events seem like something conjured up by kids writing on a forum or something.”[/i][/color] Still, to save the pseudo-sheep from death by mortification, the Ankou spoke up with his common wry tone, [color=#FFBF00]”If my analysis is correct, and they usually are, it would appear that you are currently perched on top of a sentient being. It would be smart to move, or the kid’s gonna turn into a campsite soon.”[/color] He nodded towards the newcomer sprawled out on the floor, his cheeks encompassed by a deep crimson. Perhaps he was feeling a minute measurement of enrapture too? Random passer-by eyed the armada of teens gathered in front of the rundown establishment. Human and Youkai alike were left perturbed, but simply wrote off the sight as “just another day in the District.” To keep things moving before the leader popped more than just a vessel, Styx dropkicked a certain deity from the wheel and took the reins, so to speak. [color=#FFBF00]”If she wants to see the onryo, might as well let her see the onryo.”[/color] The local reaper spoke, obviously in referral to the blonde. Although his attention was now focused on the newcomer, leader, and the girl quivering uncontrollably behind her, his peripheral vision traced the sheep-boy delicately guide his senpai’s figure back onto her feet. [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMfh6G5Fk3g]”...What’s with all of these bloody flags?”[/url][/i] With his brows turning into a furrow that would rival Makiko’s complexion if this was to continue on any longer, Styx jabbed a thumb over to the complex, [color=#FFBF00]”Guess we don’t need to call for backup? Shall we?”[/color] Meanwhile, Mizar hovered closer to his owner and spoke in his own voice, [color=blue]”Styx, did you noti-”[/color] The Ankou quickly cupped a hand over the orb of blue to curtly cut off his hushed dialogue, [color=#FFBF00]”I know. Not just one… Two.”[/color] [@VitaVitaAR][@Rin][@ghastlyInc][@13org][@liferusher] [hr] [center][hider=Anastasia Rhapsody][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmBIIvZNUlE[/youtube][/hider][/center] The district in general was comprised of a large expanse. A sea of skyscrapers and underground railways filled to the brim with humans and youkai. The fundamentals of carrying capacity had been defenestrated and landed on the street dwelling asphalt with a resounding [i]splat[/i]. Despite its elusive and clandestine location combined with the invisible veil that enshrouds the city, the sun's rays didn't fail to kiss the network of rooftops. As specks of light drizzled the region in evening luminosity, there perched on the roof of a building easily considered the district's pinnacle was a young girl. Arms stretched wide to each side, head raised high, a vermilion hood and dress, all prevailed in face of the heavy gusts of wind that resided at this altitude. She then craned her head over the boundary of the circular rooftop and peered down at the ant sized pedestrians below in an almost condescending manner. With only her index finger and thumb sticking out, she aimed her hand at one of them and cocked it back, as if she just shot one of them from this height. [color=#E32636]"BWAHAHAHAHA!!! THIS WHOLE DISTRICT IS MINE!!!"[/color] A rather haughty bellow echoed from the unparalleled petite figure. She had a pungent Russian accent, strong in both clarity and formidability. The girl continued to laugh aloud while it gradually lessened in intensity. Then all of a sudden her eyes darted around in a visibly frivolous manner, [color=#E32636]"...Wait. How did I get up here?"[/color] Anastasia Alkaev was her name. She was many things. A student. A part-time worker. A maverick. But "loved" was not one of them. At least not anymore. Betrayal and empathy waged a war within the girl's mentality, and what was left was a jumbled amalgamation. Had she still been within the borders of Russia or in earshot of the Brutva, maybe that would have actually mattered. But Anastasia was now a denizen of the hidden Imaginary District, a haven to many. A place to turn a new leaf, a clean slate so to speak. Though that didn't meant she abandoned the morals she was taught from the manifestation of her conscience. The things her grandfather taught her were invaluable. She'd rather die to some bird-youkai than discard what has kept her going all this time. This district was Svarog offering a second chance. And she would sure as hell take it. And thus little red riding hood descended from the rooftop, with a basket full of groceries in one hand and a subsonic sniper rifle slung over her shoulder. The Wolf knew to kindly fuck off this time around. [hr] [color=#E32636]"Hey, what are we looking at?"[/color] Anastasia nonchalantly queried as she appeared next to a jubilant kitsune unannounced. Her little figure had nonchalantly crept up on the onlooker completely unnoticed. Scary, really. She rested her rounded hands over her face to emulate binoculars while she was lead on by the other individual's gaze. Ah, right, the MYO. She had caught word of them both at school and her job. Bunch of kids and a couple drunkards striking out to make a difference. The unwillingly admittance that the organization was diverse and accepting couldn't help but to be made. An eyebrow arched as the scene developed, [color=#E32636]"What the hell? What's with all of these flags?"[/color] She questioned in utter confusion. Well, no matter, it was time to spread the glory of commun- [color=#E32636][i]"HEY! WOAH. I DON'T DO THE POLITICS."[/i][/color] She doesn't do the Japanese that well either, but is fluent more the most part. [color=#E32636]"Okay, time to search and destr- I mean draggle! Draggle!"[/color] The girl whispered the exclamations, though chances are a handful of the individuals down there already knew of their presence. [@Ennui]