So, the thief tried to run away with a bunch of our belongings, but his poor of judgement ended up gimping him. I had to look away when Dorisma and Deravan finished off the thief, somewhat taken back over the excessive brutality. Hell, it was savage, and Dorisma seemed to take it out on Deravan as well. "Don't be that cold Dorisma, someone nearly died. Whether at fault or not that's pretty brutal." I spoke out, hand still on Deravan's shoulder as the glow faded away from my palms. This journey wasn't really what I had in mind, what with only about 5 people (princess excluded because she seems to fade in and out now) expected to stop some wave of horror whilst having to fend for ourselves in the wilderness. I just sighed and looked into the darkness, biting my tongue and hoping we'd actually get to the place before dying. Even then, what do we do to stop it all? It's not like we're gonna have a deus ex machina like every damned fairy tale. And then, Dorisma left the camp. I was about to ask what she was doing, but it seemed like she was going out for a late-night hunt. She plopped a goblin by the campfire, and I only noticed when I heard a loud thud against the ground. "Was that thief alone or what?" I commented, alarmed at a potential accomplice and raising an eyebrow, hand patting against the knives in my pockets.