Miki looked over with some relief and looked back at the man waiting to see if he would relieve himself or expect her to do it for him. Just as Miki was about to speak the man replied with a quick nod “Ah the King family… always forgot about the daughter… hm..” He nodded again before pulling away his robe revealing white hair matching Miki’s. “The name Sir Chiba, I am the eldest of the Chiba line, and uncle to this one here” As he said that he looked down on his niece with some amount of pride and a big smile showing off large white fangs. Miki just nodded and smiled with some slightly disapproving look upon his uncle's eccentric welcome. She shook her head lightly “Do you know of the others? Where are we all suppose to be meeting once we got here?” she looked around again for any signs of life around her.