Vada's eyes went wide. She knew exactly who he was now. This was not a man her parents would ever want her to speak with. "I am so sorry, sir. I should have known sooner. Excuse my ignorance," she said as she ignored his little remark about forgetting her existence. She was used to a response like that, especially when it came from someone of his standing. She was more a thorn in the side of all her fellow vampires. Her parents used to threaten that one of them would eventually contract a hunter for her head. She turned back to Miki a little sheepishly, "maybe they're on the lower floor...I can leave you with your uncle if you like," she said trying to keep herself composed. Vada always struggled with manners and making sure she was standing properly. She did her best to stand tall, but it was foreign to her. She tended to slouch to make up for her height, which her parents always hated.