[center][color=#A91F00][h3][u][b]Kirameku - [i]The Wayward Beacon[/i][/b][/u][/h3][/color][/center][hr] Barely listening to the proceedings of the hearing, Kirameku remained near the entrance, and thus far from the accused, his back leaned against the wall, eyes closed. He heard the man's words, but didn't mind them much, till they rose in intensity and became...hostile...crazed even. Then he heard the sound of a blade being drawn and his eyes shot open in time to see the explosion of red shards that only occurred when a player died. At that, the vagrant pushed from the wall and began making his way through the loosely spread crowd full of his Guildmates. He donned his helmet and then came a flash of light and the prickling sensation which rolled over him. Having heard the Guildmaster, his eyes had shut, though they opened a moment after wards. Hearing weapons being equipped, Kirameku equipped his own and immediately activated his Breaker. However, he had yet to unequip the [sub][sup]<<[/sup][/sub]Regent of the Masquerade[sub][sup]>>[/sup][/sub] so his three attackers would not see his weapon at all before it--in three parts--cut through the cloak and blocked each of their strikes, knocking two of them back from the velocity. Swiftly, Kirameku took hold of one of the small dagger-like arcs and pushed his foe back, before kicking their knee and knocking them over. He took a step forwards and then pivoted on his foot, blocking another strike even as the second shard of his weapon merged with the first, forming a short sword. His other foot met ground and he pushed backwards, his foe's momentum taking him towards him and causing the player to stumble. In that moment he disarmed the player...by chopping both of his hands off. He raised his right hand above his head, particle dagger in reverse grip, to block the downwards swing of his third adversary. Once he'd deflected the strike in the moment it contacted his blade, the Vagrant pushed forwards, kneeing the handless figure in the stomach and pushing him back. His foot slid into the space near the figure's groin, using the ground there as purchase while Kirameku turned and sliced his attacker's offhand clean off, before the third shard came from behind and sliced off his other hand. [color=#A91F00][b]"Sorry man, but I'm not about to kill you and this will keep you from hurting anyone else...though I suppose now you're in danger of eing hurt yourselves haha,"[/b][/color] Kirameku said through his mask, though he supposed he was talking to himself for the most part. He wished he'd thought this through as now it meant he couldn't help Vegnya nor pursue the retreating Hikaru, he'd instead have to defend those he defeated. Well, it was probably better this way, he figured, after all pursuing someone who possessed two Breakers sounded far too tiring...and he figured Vegnya had plenty of back up to watch her back if she needed someone to. As if to further reinforce his lack of options, several more of his guildmates began approaching. He sighed at the sight and dispersed his weapons beneath his cloak where they remained out of sight. He kept his stance ready, but his arms at his sides to conceal his movements. The poor sods wouldn't see it coming, but they'd all fall to his blade--though not permanently. [center][b][color=#A91F00]Kirameku || Dispatched: 0 || Players Directly Involved: None.[/color][/b][/center]