[color=0076a3][b][center][h2]Jason "Phoenix" Diabolus | Doom Squad Officer | Above Troas[/h2][/center][/b][/color] [hr] [color=0076a3][b]"Xane disengage! Dammit soldier! Disen-"[/b][/color] The boy barked, but his orders fell on deaf ears and he was helpless to do nothing except watch as hell descended once more. Xane, his best friend for years; the kid he had stood up for in training. The same little runt who Jason had gotten in many a fight to defend, was dead. As Jetto's lifeless corpse slammed into the ground, Jason choked and slammed a fist down on the console in front of him. [color=0076a3][b]"The rest of you, get the hell out! Move it! Haul your asses soldiers!"[/b][/color] the boy yelled into the comms as the ship began to move. Almost immediately Jason's whole view screen turned a bright, blinding green. Accompanied by an ear-shattering roar, JONAH and the boy's frame shook as the city of Nazareth was reduced to nothing but a burning green sea of flame. His squad nothing more than memories, ashes left behind yet unlike his; no phoenix would rise once more. Tears filled the boy's eyes as JONAH flew towards the new destination, overcome by emotion; Jason locked the comms in his unit and just screamed. The sound of pain, fear, anger, loneliness that he had once felt re-emerged once more. After a long few minutes of flight over to Troas, Jason was finally able to open his comms again; having swallowed his emotions once more. A skill the boy had learned after watching his planet burn all those years ago. When he had lost everything dear to him back then. Over Troas, the boy prepared to drop into combat once more; a sniper below him that seemed to have the defenders pinned down. [color=0076a3][b]"JONAH, X-7 un-docking and deploying to battlefield. Stay safe."[/b][/color] The boy said before starting the disengagement procedure. Once un-docked, he immediately began charging the railgun for a heavy shot as he rapidly approached the ground. Picking a landing spot nearby the sniper, the boy broadcast on an open channel to the others as he came in, reverse thrusters fired to slow his fall. [color=0076a3][b]"Defenders of Troas, this is Pilot Diabolus of Frame X-7, dropping into Troas as reinforcements. I got the sniper. Channel is open, tell me where you need me next, over."[/b][/color] The said as the massive frame hit the ground in a cloud of dust and with a slight shaking of the ground. The boy aimed the railgun directly for the Cruxi sniper's center of mass, finger on the trigger so he could send a heavy-armor piercing round directly through the metal monster should it begin to move at all. [color=0076a3][b]"This is for my friends, you son of a bitch."[/b][/color] he growled in a low tone, eyes narrowed on the view screen. [hr] * X-7 Deployed to square J1 * X-7 Railgun charged for Heavy Armor Piercing shot and aimed at the sniper's center of mass * X-7 ready for a reaction shot should the sniper move