[color=f6989d]"Darling,"[/color] Doll Face said through her headset, [color=f6989d]"picking up something from Command,"[/color] she played with her monitors a bit and wrote a message down on a pad of paper, [color=f6989d]"mandatory briefing for all Faceless Pilots. Location... Courier Field Air Base. Heading would be... uh... one second."[/color] [color=f26522]"Courier Field Air Base,"[/color] Sweet Tooth replied, [color=f26522]"that's east. Good hour from here. Let them know we are en-route."[/color] Doll Face sighed to herself and opened a line for Command [color=f6989d]"War Hammer to Command,"[/color] she said sternly and then waited for a go ahead before continuing to speak, [color=f6989d]"War Hammer is redirecting current heading from coordinates *static* to *static*..."[/color] [color=1b1464]"Copy that War Hammer,"[/color] Command replied back, [color=1b1464]"You're approach from the West is authorized. Update on last descent."[/color] [color=f6989d]"Copy, Approach from the west is authorized. Update on last descent."[/color] She sat back in her seat as she felt War Hammer Level off. She monitored the radars watching specific reading. Satean planes had been on the radar for a good minute, heading south west. Who knew exactly what they were doing. Could have been on a scouting mission, recording the same things she was. She folded her arms as the Sateans disappeared off the radar. Sweet Tooth wasn't much of a talker when he was flying, so flying was usually quiet. [color=f26522]"Did they say what kind of briefing it was,"[/color] Sweet Tooth asked breaking the silence, [color=f26522]"I swear to god if they ask me what the extraterrestrials are doing one more god damned time, I'm gonna shoot someone. I don't know what the flying *static* they are doing. I also don't care. *static*"[/color] Sweet Tooth tapped his headset followed by more static, [color=f26522]"What is that?"[/color] [color=f6989d]"I'm on it. Looks like a wire back here is loose. Tapping against the side of it's case,"[/color] Doll Face quickly said as she fixed it, [color=f6989d]"shouldn't be effecting it any*static. Mother *static*"[/color] Sweet Tooth took his headset off and Doll Face followed suit. He looked over his shoulder,[color=f26522]"So! Were they specific!?"[/color] [color=f6989d]"Not really! I only picked up half the message!"[/color] [color=f26522]"Eh whatever! I don't want you getting shocked back there! If it's something internal don't worry about it! We'll fix it when we land."[/color] [color=f6989d]"That's easier said than done! If we lose our comms again, landing might be another folder of paperwork. You know how much you hate paperwork."[/color] Sweet Tooth growled to himself as he recalled the last forums he had to fill out. He couldn't help but try to figure out what the briefing was. He only just started the scouting mission, but then again, it's probably for the better. Not having communications is a huge punch in the face when a pilot can't land. Hasn't stopped him before. [color=f6989d]"Command, this is War Hammer *static* Communi*static* are *static* *static*,"[/color] Doll Face tried to transmit before losing all communications. [color=f6989d]"This is why I hate not working on this myself! Those gear heads don't know how to tie a knot without mommies help."[/color] [color=f26522]"So it's gone for good,"[/color] Sweet Tooth asked flipping on of his lights on, [color=f26522]"that's not good. I guess we get to see how well attuned the tower is when it comes to emergency landings."[/color] War Hammer had seen conflict numerous times and yet the only thing still broken on it was its radio. The internal wiring was trash since there was a shortage of resources. Maybe the Courier Field Air Base would have more. After all, they recalled two faceless so they better have come equipped. [color=f26522]"We are ten minutes out,"[/color] Sweet Tooth called back as he lowered his airspeed. The Courier Field Air Base came into view. [color=f26522]'Let's hope they watching.[/color]' He dipped his left wing and watched the tower. As he was just about to pass he saw what looked like a white light. [color=f26522]"Did you see that! Was that White?"[/color] Doll Face had her face pressed against the armored glass that protected them, [color=f6989d]"It was white!"[/color] Sweet Tooth turned War Hammer back around as the white light flashed again. He lowered his airspeed again and watched as the light turned to a steady red light. He sighed as he saw it and started to circle around the airport. It was a good five minutes before the light from the tower turned green and stayed lit. [color=f26522]"Alright! We are cleared to land! You better have your seat belt on,"[/color] he scorned her for past events. [color=f6989d]"Oh I do! I won't be hitting my head this time,"[/color] she chuckled as she double checked her seat belt. War Hammer lost altitude quickly and softly touched down. It wasn't the best airfield he'd landed on, but it wasn't as bad as his families farm. That was like taking a corvette and surfing with it. It only took him a minute to find his designated taxiway and his space to park. The crewman on the ground rushed over and secured the aircraft. The cockpit popped open where Sweet Tooth stood up almost instantly. Doll Face unbuckled herself and also stood up. [color=aba000]"Woah there buddy,"[/color] one of the crewman said noticing Doll Face, [color=aba000]"since when did they make these things two person."[/color] Sweet Tooth ignored the statement and helped Doll Face out. She took her helmet off and let her hair breathe as it blew into her face. Sweet Tooth on the other hand left his helmet on. He could still breathe with it on, even if it wasn't connected to the apparatus, and he grabbed Doll Face's hand as she stepped next to him. [color=f6989d]"Don't mind him boys,"[/color] Doll Face laughed, [color=f6989d]"he's not one for conversation!"[/color] She laughed as she walked with him. There was always a briefing room somewhere in the main building, and that's where Sweet Tooth was going. It took him a minute before he found it. Before they actually made it into the briefing room, Doll Face found the first person outside the room and confronted him, [color=f6989d]"Why the hell are we here? I swear to god if it's another stupid briefing about Extraterrestrials, I'm gonna shoot someone."[/color] [color=aba000]"What,"[/color] the soldier stammered as Doll Face was in his face, [color=aba000]"I don't know anything. All I know is someone is in there and he's waiting for all faceless to show up."[/color] [color=f6989d]"Oh,"[/color] she said cheerfully as she turned to Sweet Tooth, [color=f6989d]"we might actually get to do something!"[/color] She opened the door and looked inside. The soldier was right, there was a man in there and it seemed like he was waiting for someone. She cheerfully burst through the door and said, [color=f6989d]"Sorry sir! We were right in a routine scouting mission! No time to change! I am 51423 and this is 14325! Call signs Doll Face and Sweet Tooth. I'm his better half!"[/color] Sweet Tooth stopped in the center of the two soldiers, looked at the two of them, turned and proceeded on to his seat. He pulled out one chair first as Doll Face practically jumped into it. He pulled the second out for himself and sat down. Doll Face wasn't always so excited. It was probably due to the fact that an actual mission might have been what the briefing was about.