She couldn’t remember the last time her legs had carried her so quickly through the dense jungle, and yet fear of one’s life had an amazing ability to push the boundaries of the physique, human or otherwise. S’varkas almost felt as though she could glide along the surface like a hawk with it’s wings spread strong and wide. Thankfully, however, it wasn’t necessary since the underground entryway she so desperately searched for was within range and a brief smile crossed her lips. As much as she hesitated to look back, her curiosity finally won out as she turned her head for a moment to glance behind and saw only the massive conflagration as it continued to swallow up vegetation. No sign of the iron golem. “Son of a-” Just as she was about to return attention to the path ahead, her bare foot caught the edge of a raised root, causing her to stumble, roll, and slide to a stop within a meter of the metal hatch leading down to safety. S’varkas, ignoring the pain on her foot and leg, quickly shuffled and crawled over toward the magically sealed door that lay parallel with the ground, and recited the incantation to unlock the hatch. Her words first came out in a rushed and garbled sequence had no effect, and on the second try, finally succeeded as the hatch raised up and the girl slipped into the depths of the storage bunker.