[center][hr][hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmVmZTNmYy5WR0ZyWlNCaElGTmxZWFFoLjEA/pfeffer-mediaeval.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [color=d3d3d3]Anywhere, preferably. I'm just popping my head in here with a thread of my own hoping to pick up maybe one or two One-on-Ones to kind of kick start myself into writing. And also to force me into some kind of better time management. I'm currently working three days out of the week, and in school the other four. However, I don't tend to spend my time wisely, hence why I'm in so many Group Roleplays. As long as you're willing to work with me and my schedule, I'll likely be committed to whatever we have planned. Just know, that if I'm responding to all of these threads it's because I'm an active person Out Of Character; I find time between the things I do, be it homework, studying, working, etc. to keep in touch with people. Just because I'm talking to peeps in roleplays I GM or Co-GM, it doesn't mean I'm ignoring my responsibility to you. I'll even gladly talk to you OOCly because I love talking to people as long as there's a monitor in front of me and I don't have to actually vocalize myself. ;p [hr] [color=efe3fc][color=#c89ef5]❱[/color][color=#d5b5f7]❱[/color][color=#e2ccfa]❱[/color] Guidelines[/color] [indent][color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Looking for Casual standards simply because this isn't something I'm going to be taking incredibly seriously. As in, I'm not going to treat this like I would a college essay or a dissertation. I want to have fun and I want to have fun with another person. [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] That being said, I do request that there be no posts less than one-paragraph. I'm one of those guys who gives as much as they get, but only to a certain extent. [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] I really don't care if you flake on me; I won't hold it against you, won't black list you, won't pester you. If you're not feeling the RP, by all means, you can leave. I'm not putting you on a leash; we aren't signing a contract. If you don't like where this is going, you aren't obligated to tell me. Now, I would appreciate it because there might just be some thing we can fix, but sometimes literally beating a dead horse is a better pass time than metaphorically beating a dead horse. But, just as a preface: I do hope you have a good rest of the week and find a roleplay and roleplayer more suitable to your liking - I enjoyed whatever we did or will perhaps do in the future. :) [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Now, to contradict myself: I enjoy communication and I'd definitely like it if you did as well. We don't have to talk all the time, but having some kind of basis there, a form of connection, will do us wonders - the more we're friends, the more you're inclined to tell me what you want to do differently or that you aren't feeling the RP anymore. [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] The 18+ is there because I do enjoy mature content, but that's not the entire reason. I'm just not comfortable roleplaying with anyone younger than 18 in an environment where it's only the two of us, basically in a room together, alone. [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] I literally could care less about your actual gender. Just be comfortable with the fact that, when it comes to [i]romance[/i], I'm a strictly M/M kind of guy. [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Saying that, I'm more than comfortable with playing any kind of gender - I love writing women in various roles. But, if we're going to do romance (and we're 99% going to do romance) I'm a gay man and I'm only interested in writing romance between two men.[/indent] [center][hr][hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmVmZTNmYy5WMmhoZENCSkoyMGdURzl2YTJsdVp5QkdiM0ksLjEA/pfeffer-mediaeval.regular.png[/img][hr][hr][/center] Right at this moment, I'm only looking for Fandom related content. I want to get this out of the way prior, though, before I get into an inevitable list of things I'm hoping to do: [i]I don't do OC/Canon.[/i] Most, if not all of my own experiences writing these types of pairings has always ended in me playing the canon character, carrying the plot, and living out the other person's fantasies with little regard for my own. They've left a sour taste in my mouth, so if we're doing this, you're going to have to convince me very thoroughly. I suggest you don't attempt to, to save any hassle and time. With that said, I tend to lean more towards fandom related ships, but also love creating my own character in an OC/OC pairing. But, just because we only list two characters, doesn't mean I'm not opening to playing more than one. In fact, I'm fairly experienced in playing at least four characters a roleplay. I say experienced, I mean I'm impulsive and have issues. [sub]If you know me, have ever talked to me, have seen me around here, you'll know [i]exactly[/i] which ship pairing I live for.[/sub] [hr] [color=efe3fc][color=#c89ef5]❱[/color][color=#d5b5f7]❱[/color][color=#e2ccfa]❱[/color] Fandoms[/color] [indent][color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Marvel Cinematic Universe [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Marvel Comics [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] DC [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Overwatch [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Supernatural [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Disney [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Resident Evil [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Mass Effect [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Star Wars [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Star Trek [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Man From U.N.C.L.E. [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Metal Gear Solid [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Dragon Age [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Kingsman: The Secret Service [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Anything Batman (I know DC. Shut up) [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Anything Avengers/Captain America (MCU yeah Sh. I know. SH) [color=#f0fce3]❖[/color] Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (starting to see a trend here?)[/indent] [hr] ([u]Note:[/u] There are way too many pairings Canon/Canon wise to list them all here. If you're interested in a fandom or two, I do request that you list out your pairings for them. If you don't want to do that, then just ask me to and I will. If you want both of us to do so, then... yeah... I can't object to that. If it's OC/OC, then clarify that, as well so I know what to expect.) The list is by no means exhaustive, so I'll likely add on to it. It's just really late here and I'm slowly dying as I write all of this. Please, if there's a fandom or a pairing you're very enthused about, shoot me a PM, or put a post up here. If I'm not for it, I'll tell you, but if it intrigues me, I'll send you a PM about it and we'll discuss details when we're both free. If there's something on the list that interests you, I do request that you send me a PM (but if you really don't like doing that, just post here) with your ideas for pairings. If you have an idea for it, shoot. If you don't and would like to hear my own, say so. I'm very accommodating and love to make things easy for people. I'm a nice guy. I like talking to people. I won't bite your head off. This is where that adage, "They're probably more scared of you than you are of them," comes in handy... because it's likely true for me. ;p I'm repeating myself a lot here, but I feel it works to get a point clear and concisely put across. Now, if you really, really, really don't want to do a fandom roleplay and want something original, but also really want to roleplay with me, shoot me a PM with your idea. I'm not gonna throw a bunch of 'em out there just because it's not exactly what I'm seeking, but I'll give anything a shot if you give me a chance. I also don't care where we do our RP. My absolute preference is PM, but with this PM system still in the works, it can likely get lost quickly. If you prefer thread, then I'm more than willing to oblige, but just know that I'm also more than willing to do this over Skype or some kind of IM service, even e-mails. I'll just have to download it if it's not through Skype or Discord. I also want to make a point: [b]If something isn't on that list I gave you, don't assume I won't do it.[/b] As long as it's not anime that I'm unfamiliar with (ugh, I'm only familiar with Kill La Kill, Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece, to be honest, I'm sorry. I'm not a big Anime guy) I think I laid out a pretty good clue as to what I'm more than likely interested in, as a whole. If you're in doubt, send me a PM anyway. I won't yell, bite, or snap at you.[/color]