Maria just Chuckled in bemusement at the New Comers Reactions, taking note of what Itzal just said. "In a Sense I suppose you are in another time and place but you aren't so the Answer is a Resounding....Maybe but not quite. Are you familiar with the Concept of There being Multiple Universes out there that could potentially hold alternate versions of your respective worlds where things might have gone a bit...differently so to speak. I remember Bene Mother Alva told me a Story about how in her youth two Drifters appeared, Both Claiming to be the Same Person but Both had Vastly Different Histories and Worlds that were Similar up to a point before divergent qualities could be observed in their stories. My Point being is that we honestly can't give you a concise answer since you are perfectly alive on our world and yes. This World is a Planet, we may not be able to reach the Stars but we still have Astronomy." She said as she sipped her tea. Helena took it all in as she finished her steak, "What's a Bene Mother?" she asked, taking a sip of her tea. "Oh that's a simple one, a Bene Mother is the Eldest and Usually Most Powerful Witchbreed in a Coven. Bene Mother Alva was the One who taught me to Hone my Craft and acted as a Mentor to me growing up, She's now Free though wandering the Spirit Wilds." Maria says with a Wistful Tone. "However that's not Important." Maria says as she Dismisses the Thought.