"You gonna claim anything Kitty Cat?" Ritsu said to Karn as he and Hitori began to Harvest the Remains of the Bomb. Hitori may be a Prickly and Strange Fox but he was Useful when it came to Dissection, he really hoped that wasn't just a Kumiho thing. The Kumiho just creeped him out in General but at least all he had to Worry about so far was just a few Insults here and there, nothing he couldn't take. Speaking of Taking though, as soon as Hitori was able to Rip through the Outer Layer a Treasure Trove of Gems and Parts could be found interspersed within the 'Meat' of the Creature. Ritsu began Pilfering what he could and Found Several good sized Fire Gems and Explosive Components inside, a Little Slimy but Not the Nastiest thing he has had to dig through. Hitori Took The Outer Shell of the Bomb and Began to Rend it into Shards with his Ribbons, making them easier for Transportation and Usage, Before going to take a Few of the Fire Gems for himself. However there were Two things that interested him in Particular. One Being a Large Glowing Glass Orb in the Center and the Other being what appeared to be a Crystallized Structure that Looked Similar to the Liver. The Orb was Presumably the Bombs Core which he Carefully took, storing it in his own Gem for Safe Keeping. He Then Grabbed the Crystal Liver, it was Warm to the Touch But was covered in a Faceted Surface. He Sniffed it for a Second before Cracking it Open, a Small Burst of Blue Flame Sparked as a Fleshy Organ was revealed inside the structure. With Sirens Waters Hitori doused the Flame and had a Special Treat of Cooked Bomb Liver, Devouring the Meat with Gusto while Storing the Shards from it for later. They Might be Useful for something. Ritsu watched in Horror, "That was Disgusting!" He said as he Pilfered another Gem. "I think you mean 'Delicious'." Hitori said as he Licked his hands like a Fox licking its paws Clean.