[center][h1][color=Green] New Verona [/color][/h1][/center] The year is 2658 in New Verona. The worlds have gone up in flames mostly due to heavy mining and overpopulation. New Verona , like the other worlds , is mostly a wasteland. The humans have upgraded their bodies with cybernetic parts to to able to survive in these conditions , some humans even changing their whole bodies into cybernetic counterparts. New Verona is ran by the council of three. A human , a cyborg and an autonomous robot. All three to represent the stages which human evolution has gone. The start , the middle ground and the last step , the autonomous robot. Also , New Verona has a population of 100 billion people and 500 million robots. Overpopulation was a big problem. So , a plan was made. Search a new world to conquer. Space was out of their reach so they started to conquer other dimensions. Dimension after dimension felt in front of the Robotic Armada but they too got full and other dimensions needed to be conquered. The construction of dimensional gates could only be built from the dimension they want to conquer towards their dimension. So , a single cyborg was always sent to the new dimension using a dimensional warp-device to scout the best place to launch their invasion. Today marked the day when another cyborg will be sent to a new dimension. Commander Luke Washington. A veteran many times over , he is once again sent to destroy yet another civilization. Commander Washington was born 87 years ago on the streets. At the age of 18 he joined the army and after a 10 successful missions he was given the chance to upgrade his body into something better. Mission after mission Commander Washington augmented his until at the age of 26 he was hit by a bullet in the head , shattering one of his eyes and almost killing him. In order to save him , he was given a prototype implant that would stop his body from aging and a new eye. Now 61 years later he is called upon again. He waited orders in New Verona for 3 years when he was finally called to go on a new mission. The council was located in a flying fortress, built only for them and their servants. As soon as Commander Washington left the shuttle that took him to the city , a small number of robots clustered around him , weapons at the ready. " Scanning. Cyborg model P.A.M. 245598OO2. State your business. " " [color=yellow] Commander Luke Washington , Serial number 555688025. Reporting to duty ! The Council Of Three is waiting for me. [/color] " " Wait. Wait. Wait. Orders received. Please follow us Commander Washington. " They began moving and so was Washington. He didn't knew what mission to expect from the Council but experience told him a new dimension was found and it's time to invade , again. Washington didn't care exactly what happened to these worlds. A planet with a civilized people wasn't found yet and to kill an animal to save your race was a small price to pay. The council was seated when he entered the room. [color=Blue] [u][b]Council Human member[/b][/u] [/color] " [color=blue] Welcome Commander Washington. It's an honor for you to join us today. [/color] " [color=Black] [u][b]Council Cyborg Member[/b][/u] [/color] " [color=black] We have heard of your exploits. Many worlds were conquered because of you. [/color] " [color=Red] [b][u]Council Autonomous Robot Member [/u][/b] [/color] " [color=red] And for that we are grateful. [/color] " " [color=yellow] The pleasure was all mine , council members. I only did the necessary and nothing more. [/color] [color=Blue] [u][b]Council Human member[/b][/u] [/color] " [color=blue] You are modest Commander Washington. Now...we must not dally. It's time for you to hear your mission. [/color] [color=Red] [b][u]Council Autonomous Robot Member [/u][/b] [/color] " [color=red] A new dimension was found and we chose our best soldier to scout it. [/color] " [color=Black] [u][b]Council Cyborg Member[/b][/u] [/color] " [color=black] You leave in one hour. [/color] " All three in union say " Dismissed ! ". Washington quickly goes to prepare himself for the mission. It was time for action. [center][h2] A hour later [/h2][/center] Washington quickly straps himself into the seat of the dimensional warp-device. Armed with his incorporated plasma cannon , a laser knife with it's own self-rechargeable battery and a backpack with supplies. It was enough for him to survive as much as needed to set up the place for the invasion to start. His body started to feel strange as the warp energies gone around him and then suddenly , he disappeared. [center][h3][color=Green] ??? [/color][/h3][/center] A bright light appeared in the sky and a silhouette felt from it. Commander Washington's sensors only received some images of the place where was was teleported before they went offline ( Washington = unconscious ). He was in some kind of forest. [@KitsuneDarling] Here it is fox :)