Skleros listened, growing more sheepish as Spinstress pointed out more flaws in the initial plan. He was so excited to play around with these new powers that he hadn’t even considered property damage. Being a hero was surprisingly finicky. So many things to take into account. [color=fdc68a]“Wow.”[/color] Skleros startled himself as he starting speaking. His voice was a lot… boomier when he was in Armor Mode. [color=fdc68a]“That… is a lot better than the first plan”[/color] Aaron took pride in his scientific mind, but that didn’t mean that he was above receiving criticism. Sure, it was totally embarrassing but there were times when he had to admit that he was flat out wrong. A scientist is always open to new arguments, no matter how much it undermines their own. Aaron reminded himself to remember this philosophy. All in all, he was thankful that he had teammates to cover his own shortcomings. The “act first, think later” attitude was something he’d have to work on if he was going to be a permanent hero. Especially if he was going to have to work in a team. [color=fdc68a]“Eh heh. Guess I got overexcited. My bad.”[/color] Skleros scratched the back of his head in a flustered manner. It was surprisingly hard to do in this upgraded form. Speaking of which, he wasn’t going to be travelling far with this sort of bulkiness on him. There was no way he’d catch an aerial, psychopathic villain like this. Time to de-transform. As he shrank, he observed Talon flying around, then Nocturne heading to the door he was about to break down. He grinned as she used her Miraculous powers to somehow open the doors. Absolute Access, it was called? Aaron stored that information for later. [color=fdc68a]“Woah, awesome stuff!”[/color] he smiled and gave the monochromatic girl a friendly pat on the back, [color=fdc68a]“Time to finally kick some villain butt!”[/color] He was about to jaunt out the doors when a sudden beep from his gauntlet snapped him out of his fervor. The scale pattern on the ketoh had only one marking left. Didn’t Arrlo say something about a time limit before? Active Powers drained it quicker, right? Was he going to lose his transformation? Skleros turned frantically to his allies. [color=fdc68a]“Uh, it seems that I’m outta- I’ll just meet you guys there! K, bye!”[/color] He sprinted out of the library, hoping to find an empty toilet block to de-transform, or at least a vending machine where he could refuel Arrlo.