[center][color=004b80][h1]Aster[/h1][/color] [i]«Lord of Nightmares»[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Aster had positioned himself upon his usual perch high above the proceedings down below. It afforded him an overall view of the Grand Hall whilst still allowing him to hear everything that was being said as the words echoed softly off of the stone walls. He had been close to Hikaru up to this point and had seen, with his own eyes, the events that had played out between him and the now slaughtered Knights of the Blood Oath. Though Aster didn't quite share the same ideology as the accused, he saw no real wrong-doing over the matter. These thoughts he would keep to himself, however. Another secret to be kept from the Brotherhood. One more to add to the amassing pile he kept locked within the dark recesses of his mind. If the other members knew of his true thoughts, surely he would be next to stand trial. If that were to happen then it wouldn't be long before his long list of player killings came to light. Fortunately, he didn't need to worry about his cursor colour remaining orange. Nearly all members of the Brotherhood had killed before, it was simply an occupational hazard of being a Breaker. The people of SAO called for death and there were a few amongst the Brotherhood who were more than happy to oblige, Aster was one of them. Pulling his mind away from his musings and focusing back on the trial, Aster furrowed his brow as Hikaru began spouting off like a madman. He talked about [i]ruling[/i] the SAO community and using their Breaker abilities to subdue any would-be opposition, of which there would no doubt be plenty. It was only when Hikaru drew his blade and swiftly dispatched of the Grand Master's right hand, Fenixrite, did he slowly place a cautionary hand on his favourite dagger, [i]«Ghoul's Grin»[/i]. The situation was about to explode and Aster would have the best seat in the house. [center][hider=Boom][img]https://www.kirupa.com/motiongraphics/images/41.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] A blinding flash of light suddenly stole his vision, forcing him to stumble back on his perch and rub his eyes ferociously. As his vision cleared he could see the chaos that had erupted all around the Great Hall below. He witnessed various members of the Brotherhood attacking each other for seemingly no reason. It was only then that he noticed that the status effect, [i]«Hate»[/i], had appeared next to his health bar. His expression of amazement soon turned into that of a snarl as he peered down upon his brothers and sisters. As he watched each ensuing battle, Aster remained still; ready to swoop down like a hawk and pierce his dagger deep into his prey. He quickly singled out his target. A girl by the looks of it. Her [i]«Reagent of the Masquerade»[/i] wrapped tightly around her figure, as she slowly backed away in horror from the sight of one Brotherhood member hacking into the face of another with an axe. His snarl morphed into a wry smile as the sounds of her crying drifted up to him. He'd already drawn his dagger by this point and equipped his [i]«Lord of the Asylum»[/i] armour-set. Dark leather armour that remained wrapped in various black, torn cloaks, which allowed him to confuse his opponents as to where their strikes were truly going to hit. All he needed to do now was wait for the right moment to strike. As the source of girl's terror finished hacking away at his victim, she took a singular step back that placed her exactly where she needed to be. It was then that Aster pounced. He made barely a whisper as he launched himself from his high perch and began descending rapidly, feet first, towards his prey. In mere moments it was over. The weight of his avatar crashed down upon the girl with a practiced grace, leaving him crouched directly over her as she was sprawled out upon her back. It took her a few seconds to even realize what was happening before she noted the glint of his blade in his right hand. Her bloodcurdling scream filled his ears like music before he uttered a single word, [color=004b80][b]"Pathetic."[/b][/color] And slashed his dagger across her neck. [Center][b][color=ed1c24]DEAD[/color][/b][/Center] Aster stood immediately, facing the earlier approaching member, whose axe remained brandished and ready to strike. [b]"That was [i]my[/i] kill!"[/b] He yelled, the anger in his tone trying to give off a more intimidating demeanor. Aster simply laughed as he settled back into his fighting stance, slowly swaying his blade back and forth. His posture, mixed with his tattered cloaks and deathly gaze, exuded an air of sheer horror. [color=004b80][b]"You're [u]all[/u] my kills."[/b][/color] He growled. [hr][center][color=004b80][b]Aster || Dispatched: 1 || Players Directly Involved: None.[/b][/color][/center]