He was wearing his uniform. The young man looked down at the red and black and decided that, if had to wear something that made him look silly, dammit he'd be silly. Not that...he...wasn't usually. But that wasn't the point! Neil Edwards lounged near the docking entrance of the ship, biting into an apple and chewing it nonchalantly. Two female cargo movers sauntered passed him. He gave them a wink, and they scoffed and turned away from him. [i]Well then...[/i] In all honesty that was the exact reaction he was expecting. He just felt it was funny to play the part of some down on his luck casanova. This time, a male cargo hauler strode passed him, and he walked up to the guy. "Hey fella" he said, his tone upbeat and comical. "Hey, you know when this ship leaves the base?" The guy looked at him like he was crazy, though he might have heard of Ensign Edwards and knew that fact was already established. "Two hours." Neil answered before the man finished 'hours' "Two hours? What am I supposed to do for two hours?" "Why are you asking me?" Neil sputtered for a moment, making odd gestures with his hands before spewing out air through his mouth as if to say 'I dunno.'