Prometheus' cold red eyes watched the trail with a resounding apathy though the entire event from the side of the hall, only reacting with a sharpened glare at Hikaru's accusations. He wasn't going to deny that he had killed players before, and probably will have to again, but as a Breaker it's a cross that they must bare. The arrogance of him comparing what many Breakers had done to purely survive and his own killings, Murders committed for the sake of [i]Pride[/i], burned at him but he didn't let it affect him. The deranged psychopath wasn't worth it. What [i]did[/i] gain a reaction was the shattering of a player's avatar, and Vegnya's resultant shout. Instantly, Prometheus was moving as a searingly bright light assaulted the guild hall, an accompanying ringing sound filling his ears. [hr]By the time he recovered his senses, all hell had broken loose. All around him, his brothers and sisters struck at each other with rage and bloodlust, hate brimming in the eyes of those that had lost their hoods. A sudden feeling of rage and hatred carved at his mind as he gripped his head, forcing the feeling away. He just had time to see the visual standoff between the Grand Master and the Accused before he was set upon by a rapier-wielding figure. He tilted his head a second before it could skewer his eye, the tip of it instead tearing away the <> less than an inch from his face. His hand was moving before his thoughts caught up, drawing his sword with a retaliating slash that just managed to return his sudden de-cloaking onto his attacker. Looking at the no-longer hidden figure, he froze. His attacker was a girl, probably no older than 17, and a dreadful spark of realisation hit him. This girl was one of the guild blacksmiths, and the girl he had been tutoring as a blacksmith personally. Her eyes locked onto him as they swam with rage and sorrow, her rapier pointed at his heart. His own sword raised in a defensive stance. "You! Oh, Why did it have to be you!" [color=darkred]"Listen to me, you don't want to do this. Just walk away. I'll get you out safely so trust me..."[/color] "Trust you!? Why should I do that? So you can keep me around as your little student? Do you have any idea what it's been like!? To work so hard to get better at smithing while you don't have to do anything at all and create perfect gear without even trying!?" [color=darkred]"Calm down... I'm not trying to belittle you... Just, walk away. Please."[/color] "No, I've had it with you!" And with that, she charged at him with intent to kill. His reaction was instant as he reached out with his armoured left arm and activated his breaker <<[i]Standing Forge[/i]>>, his eyes and the edges of his armour glowing like a lit furnace, as his hand closed around the narrow blade. Manipulating the weapon's stats, he reduced its durability to 0, causing it to shatter in his hand before he knocked her back with his right arm, his legs anchored in place. As she stumbled back, Prometheus gripped the blade of his sword with his left hand, giving it a molten appearance before he quickly moved his hand as if throwing off a sheath. The sword rapidly lost its molten effect, leaving behind a seemingly unaltered sword. Prometheus dismissed his breaker and burst towards her, a deep red line appearing on her left leg as she fell to one knee, unable to move. "W-what?" [color=darkred] "I reduced my sword's damage and applied the strongest Paralysis effect I could onto the blade. I didn't want to kill you." [/color] With that, he pulled her arm over his shoulder and carried her quickly to a small alcove in the wall, away from the fighting. He laid her down and as he went to step away, a pair of axes appeared in his peripheral vision, one of either side. He jumped back and ducked just in time to avoid the attack. Two men stepped into his vision, a pair of twins that looked like a mirror image of each other. In their hands they both held a wicked-looking one-handed axe, one with it in his left and the other with it in his right. "I'm impressed. You're quick." The one on the left spoke. "Hey Brother, look at this!" The one on the right replied, hauling the paralysed girl up by her hair. "What should be do with her?" The left brother's face twisted into a nasty grin. "What else? We kill her! She's obviously not gonna wanna be our [i]little toy[/i] with Mister 'Forge Blade King' over there." "Good Idea, Brother!" With that, he threw her at his brother, who without mercy swung his axe, carving a gruesome red line across her chest. She fell away, stumbling towards Prometheus until she fell and he barely caught her. Her eyes locked his, the rage absent as she whispered. "I'm sorry..." [centre][b][color=red]DEAD[/color][/b][/centre] Finally, her avatar shattered. Prometheus froze, his eyes turning a shade more becoming of frozen blood as the feeling of rage resurfaced, but this time, it was cold, unforgiving and [i]Raw[/i]. "I guess she was too weak for us to have any fun. What a shame..." Prometheus snapped. Activating his breaker, gripping the blade and pulling it away all in a fraction of a moment, his sword was replaced by a pole arm with three blood-red blades, a process he called 'Reforging'. Without any hesitation, he plunged it deep into the heart of the first brother before he pulled it out and quickly 'reforged' it again, this time a deadly katana with a blood-red blade. A smoldering red line was carved into the second brother's chest as Prometheus took a single lunging step towards him. The twins seemed to freeze, tiny flames dancing around their wounds, as they registered what had just happened. But it was too late. The burning damage forged into Prometheus' weapon took effect and the minuscule health they still had burned away to nothing, their avatars shattering in perfect synchronicity. [centre][b][color=red]DEAD[/color][/b][/centre] [centre][b][color=red]DEAD[/color][/b][/centre] [hr] 'Reforging' his blade for a third time, he began to storm towards the exit after Hikaru, without heed to anyone around him. A spear was stabbed at him, only to be grabbed and shattered using his breaker, its wielder receiving a burning, fatal attack from his red bladed longsword in response. [centre][b][color=red]DEAD[/color][/b][/centre]A dagger wielder was swiftly ended with a brutal spin-slash that nearly took his head from his shoulders. [centre][b][color=red]DEAD[/color][/b][/centre] Suddenly, and without warning, a heavy blow from a two-handed war-hammer pushed Prometheus a few metres across the hall, his sword taking most of the blow but doing nothing to stop the force of it as he slid backwards through the melee of battle. Digging the clawed fingers of his left arm into the ground in an attempt to slow himself, he lost sight of the person that hit him. Probably a STR-build Tank if they could knock him a good 4 meters through a crowd of people. Realising he had stopped, he quickly looked to his right to see two women seemingly unaffected by whatever tried to throw him into a blind rage the first time, less than a meter away. After a second he recognised them. The woman with the sandy blonde hair was Ramiela, the <>. He was fairly familiar with her skills as a warrior, despite him not being a front line fighter, and was definitely relieved to see her with her wits about her. Next to her was a sight that gave him a sad pause. Kneeling down in tears was Raema, the Dollmaker's recently married wife. He was good friends with the Dollmaker and he didn't like seeing his friend's wife cry... It was then that he realised that the man in question was missing and it didn't take him long to work it out... With a serious tone a little darker than he intended, he called over to them as he tried to calm himself down, the rage from seeing his student murdered still simmering in his eyes. [color=darkred] "Are you two okay?" [/color] [hr] [centre][b][color=darkred] Prometheus || Dispatched: 4 || Involved: Raema[@Celaira], Ramiela[@RyoRyoRyoken][/color][/b][/centre]