Sta'l took a sip from his cup of Iced Raktajino as he continued to look over the latest issue of [i]Technology Today[/i] on his Padd. [i]What I wouldn't give to dig around the engine room of the Sovereign class, even if it was only for a day. [/i], he thought wistfully as he looked over the technical specifications of the massive ship. He looked up and around the mess hall with a small smile. The Sovereign class might be one of the most advanced class of ships in Starfleet, but the [i]Orion[/i] was his home. He was more familiar with the Miranda class vessel then with any other ship and he knew the engine room like the back of his hand. His thoughts turned to the upcoming mission and the smile faded after a moment. He had nothing but respect and admiration for Ambassador Spock and all that he had done but the Romulan senate...that was a different matter. Despite being a Romulan himself, he knew nothing of the Romulan way of life and he blamed the Romulan senate. All he knew was that the Romulan senate had unjustly exiled his parents after they had failed a mission and they had taken their lives with their own honor blades after being rescued by the [i]Gorkon[/i]. [i]Figures the Senate would decide to sit this out. Let the Dominion wage war against Starfleet and the Klingons, leave it to the senate to kiss up to the Dominion.[/i] He thought to himself as he shook his head and returned to his reading. His thoughts suddenly switched tracks again as he turned to look at the Replicator. [i]I wonder if I can tweak this enough to make the Denevan plum pudding taste like Mom's[/i]. He thought as he looked at the Padd and saw that he had around another hour before his duty shift began. [i]Maybe I can see if I can get it to make some Rokeg Blood pie. That would most likely make Jovar's day and it's something new to eat.[/i] Sta'l grinned widely for a moment, got to his feet and began tinkering with the Replicator.