"[b][color=00746b]I'm curious about one thing: Why choose us? You said this "darkness" thing is coming after heroes and metas, so I'm assuming we all fit into at least one of those categories, but I mean why us specifically?[/color][/b]". "[color=black] I'm not a meta-human so would the darkness come after me?[/color]" As the team erupted into comments and questions, the masked woman kept calm, almost giving off an aura of a motherly like figure as she watched children. After a few moments of letting everyone have a bit of a say, she finally spoke up towards those who had addressed her. [b][color=bf40bf]"Why you?"[/color][/b] Her gaze fell upon Jacklyn. [b][color=bf40bf]"What makes you think you do [i]not[/i] have a metagene? Normal people are not capable of what you do - to take out entire gangs and men by yourself. Did you not think it was strange? Legends of Nightwing often fill these streets, but do you think he could do what he did, were he just a [i]normal[/i] human? Sometimes the gene itself is subtle, but present..."[/color][/b] Her attention then moved over to the witch doctor. [b][color=bf40bf]"I see potential. Nothing more, in truth... you could fail, of course, but I am choosing to have faith - that you'll do what others haven't so far."[/color][/b] That was that, leaving her answer in the air for the man to ponder over. Her eyes drew away from him then as she looked over the crowd, making no apparent comment about the trio bickering over the position of leader. Just as the masked woman's eyes fell on Firefly, the woman jumped slightly and looked to the ground. She glanced over to Luna with a soft smile, replying back quietly, [b][color=ff4d94]"Um.. sure! That would be interesting.."[/color][/b] Rose smiled gently before looking over at Nevan, biting her lip softly. Nodding, she decided to add, [b][color=ff4d94]"I agree.. maybe we should worry more about the weapons being brought into the city first, before trying to fight for a position that.. probably isn't nearly as fun as you boys think? I mean.. that's what we're here for, right? To help the city?.. we can decide on a leader later.. and just come up with idea on how to approach the problem at hand?"[/color][/b] Rose paused for a bit, looking across the room, though she avoided looking at the robed woman directly. [b][color=ff4d94]"Maybe miss, um..."[/color][/b] She looked at Nevan for a moment. [b][color=ff4d94]"Miss Demoness can blanket the area in darkness? We could ambush them - knock them out before anyone [i]actually[/i] gets hurt? Luna could even maybe.. like, uh, lower their motivation to fight us? Coming out of this without any injuries would be nice - I think.."[/color][/b] Rose wasn't sure how helpful she was being or if anyone would listen, but she figured she'd get the ball rolling, at least.