Hello hello all! Singed here. So, I'm looking for some rp's, now that I have some basic things done (ie: written down a pair of characters, general bumming around, and perusing 1x1 interest posts trying to push myself to contact some of you lovely people, but utterly failing and in a push to get past this case of cold feet, I'm writing this. (Dear lord that sentence isn't a sentence anymore, is it?)) Now, I know everyone has their own rules they share and would like followed. I have my own, but I'm very flexible and my list is rather short. All I really ask for is literacy, a form of contact so we can communicate if there may be any event or anything that might make a gap in responses, and at least a paragraph response for an rp. That's all I ask. I understand if there can be complications with schedules or events, or the occasional mistake in grammar (See the 'paragraph' above). This isn't my first rodeo. I'm understanding and honestly, just want to have fun. Now with that out of the way, what am I interested in? Do I have any plots or any pairings? Well dear reader, I have a wide interest range as you might see by the tags I put on this post. In general, the themes/genres I enjoy are: Modern Sci-Fi Fantasy Romance Apocalyptic Post-Apocalyptic Horror I don't have any current plots, though most pairings will be more than agreeable with me, but a few that I'd love to do (Note these don't have to be romances, though I am a bit of a sucker for romance... And yes, the first two are because of the characters I have, sue me. I do prefer to play males, though I could make an exception, and I don't mind if it's hetero or homo with romance. Any pairing can be altered with that in mind.)(* for anything I may be craving at the time): Mental Patient X Doctor* [s]Guardian Angel X Human[/s] Demon X Angel Demon X Princess/Queen Wasteland Survivor X Other Survivor Wasteland Survivor X Bandit Wasteland Survivor X Citizen Bandit X Citizen Monster Hunter X Some monster* I may add more to the lists or even add plots if I work any out. Like I may have said before, I am agreeable and more than happy to work things out. I'd prefer to use PM's, but I'm happy to set up a thread if that is what you'd prefer. I think that's about it... If you'd like to work something out, PM me. -------------- Update/Edit If I end up growing in interests or want to add more pairings, fandoms or themes, I'll add them in as an update/edit thing. Adding in the Medieval genre/theme As for fandoms, most I'm interested in are of video games (I might play a little too many...) Borderlands Jack (Pre Sequel Jack or BL2 Jack) X OC* Bandit X Vault Hunter Vault Hunter X Vault Hunter Any OC x OC pairing Fallout (Ranging from Fallout 3, New Vegas and Fallout 4) Literally any kind of pairing OC or not DOOM That's all I'm adding for now, but others may follow in the future.