I think it's time to establish some order to my threads. So hey, this is Thea and I'd like to RP with you. I only play girl characters unless otherwise specified, but I don't object to girls playing male characters in the least. CURRENT CRAVING: CURRENT CRAVING: My character is a Soul Reaper who has screwed up many times in the past, being something of a rebellious soul. Yours is some kind of supernatural creature of your choice who Death has determined has run his course. As a final chance for my Reaper, Death sends hwr to take your character's soul. But your character is powerful and doesn't want to go down without a fight.. Other plots: Medieval Times. Your character, A man known as the Black Prince has been roaming Europe conquering cities and countrysides in France and Germany, amassing a small empire and an army of fairthful soldiers. He is master of all he wishes to sieze, and the only rebellion be faces is a constant thorn in his side, a pocket of guerrilla fighters led by a masked leader. He one day finds a traitor of their band, and they are betrayed and captured. Finally, he can know who this leader is and slay him. Turns out, it isn't a him at all... Your character is a very rich English lord who delights in playing a dangerous game: he is unmarried, and mothers are constantly throwing their daughters at him in hopes of marrying them off. They know the price, but each one hopes rhat their daughter will be the first to win his cold heart. He then seduces them, gets them in bed, and sends them off dedfowered and unwed. Not once has he gotten himself trapped by getting them pregnant. But one girl catches his fancy and he keeps her with him under some pretense for longer than the others... Pairing: Queen/enemy king Vampire/slayer Persephone/Hades Princess/Guard Interested? Send me a pm or post here if you like! I can post several paragraphs to start, and then I usually slim down to two or so. Depends