Thanks! Yeah, the system is actually pretty light and easy to get your head around so I think it would workk here. I haven't posted all of it because I'm not a maniac, but the other big deal to mention is gear and Charges. Basically, almost every task requires some sort of resource spend - a bullet from a gun, power from a batter, bandages from the medkit, even the caloric count necessary to be able to do physically strenuous tasks. These are abstracted into "charges" which items have. In order to even make the roll (whether you end up passing or failing) you have to spend a charge. However, a lot of items allow you spend extra charges to get a bonus. For instance, you just spend 1 charge from a gun to shoot it, or 1 charge from rations to fuel running, but by choosing to "over-spend" on charges you get a bonus on your skill roll. Spending an extra 2 charges (so 3 total) on shooting would let you roll at a +2.