[hider= The 5th//Axel] [center][img]http://i3.pixiv.net/c/1200x1200/img-master/img/2012/05/28/22/04/01/27571594_p0_master1200.jpg[/img] [h2][b][color=F7B933]"Uh...Isn't that a little. I dunno, dangerous? Um. No I mean, really. Stop."[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=F7B933]Name:[/color][/b] [indent]Axel[/indent] [b][color=F7B933]Gender:[/color][/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b][color=F7B933]Age:[/color][/b] [indent]15[/indent] [b][color=F7B933]Appearance:[/color][/b] [indent]Upon meeting Axel or simply gazing your eyes on him, his expression would cause one to simply assume that he is either agitated or purely vexed. From the most likely permanently furrowed brows to the way that he fidgets with his hands when he thinks that no one is looking his way. Axel has almost always been this way. Jittery and anxious without even realizing that it reflects on how he presents himself. But you will never see him slouching his broad shoulders. Axel walks with poise and a hint of restlessness whilst his eyes turn from left to right, examining his surroundings. He has dark brown hair with a few strands that have gotten lighter over the year, exposing a more caramel color. His goatee is the only part of his hair that is truly straight. Besides that, his hair is unruly with strands curling up from beneath his flat cap and a few pieces lying over his non-unique dark brown slanted eyes. The style that he always chooses to go with usually consists of at least a high collar jacket that will most likely be zipped up all the way to its peak. Though rarely visible, Axel's left side of his neck has the number '5' imprinted onto it in roman numerals. The fingerless gloves he owns are something that he won't leave without. Besides that, he wears jeans and a T-shirt of his choice. Nothing really distinct about him at all.[/indent] [b][color=F7B933]Number[/color][/b] [indent]5[/indent] [b][color=F7B933]Rank:[/color][/b] [indent]B[/indent] [b][color=F7B933]Personality:[/color][/b] [indent]His appearance shows an individual that is stressful and perhaps even perturbed. And that judgement isn't completely off. Axel has always been someone that worried more than he probably should. Quick to ponder over little misfortunes and his mind comes up with a countless amount of outcomes that can be far from what actually happens. A pessemist that attempts to be optomistic about everything but...ultimately fails. Overexagerating over a lot of things is another thing. Tending to be dramatic when risk-takers do idiotic things. Axel is a Even though he's confident, Axel speaks while often stuttering and overusing the word "um". The hesitant-ness in his voice is evident as he speaks. Even if he worries about himself and others, that doesn't mean that Axel is automatically a heartfelt and kind person. Often he can be called quite the contrary, in fact. Axel speaks without actually thinking over what he says. His words coming out rude and insensitive even. He is a man that may seem unconfident to some though that isn't true. Axel's just bad at speaking. Speaking in general. He is a man that says what he's thinking often out loud and cares less about what others think than he realizes himself. Annoying him is quite simple. Axel can get irritated very easily. A short temper and all of a sudden, he'll speak clear sentences. Even if you annoy him over something that might not have been your fault, Axel will most likely take offense. He's a full fledged complainer. Someone that doesn't know when is the right time to close that mouth of his. At times he can even be called cocky with his ways of denying many things that he doesn't seem to like. A brat? Just a bit.[/indent] [b][color=F7B933]Likes/Dislikes:[/color][/b] [indent][color=39b54a]✔[/color] Silence [color=39b54a]✔[/color] Sweets [color=39b54a]✔[/color] Eating [color=39b54a]✔[/color] Being able to be left alone [color=39b54a]✔[/color] Card games [color=red]✗[/color] Stupidity [color=red]✗[/color] Lazyness [color=red]✗[/color] Anoyying people/things/sounds [color=red]✗[/color] Getting told things he doesn't want to hear [color=red]✗[/color] The fact that he worries to much[/indent] [b][color=F7B933]Enhancement(s):[/color][/b] [indent][list][*]🅷🅴🅰🆁🅸🅽🅶 Axel has an irritating pair of ears that can pick up just about any sound within a moderate range. This can be used as a lie detector as well, able to pick up the change of pace in one's heartbeat or the strain in their voice. Luckily, this has come with parabolic hearing so that he can cancel out noises except for the wanted sounds. Though the sad part is that he can't cancel out noises and the parabolic hearing comes with a limit. [*]🆂🆃🆁🅴🅽🅶🆃🅷//🆁🅴🅵🅻🅴🆇🅴🆂 Though his torso isn't weak by any means, most of Axel's physical strength lies in his lower body. Lighting fast reflexes that come off as a flex due to panic rather than just a natural talent. [*]🅿🅰🅸🅽 🆂🆄🅿🆁🅴🆂🆂🅸🅾🅽 This is because of his superhuman power of metal mimicry. He isn't incapable of feeling pain but he can block out pain at his will. However, he usually reacts too late for him not to let out a yelp when he gets hurt. [/list][/indent] [b][color=F7B933]Weapon(s):[/color][/b] [indent]Because of his enhanced hearing, Axel was trained to use firearms since he was young. The hearing makes it possible to know where the enemy is and where they're headed. Hearing their approaching footsteps from a mile away if he tries hard enough.[/indent] [b][color=F7B933]Ability:[/color][/b] [indent][b][u]Metal Mimicry:[/u][/b] Pretty self-explanatory. Axel is made up of metal and holds the power to transform himself into his full metal form. Causing him to obtain enhanced durability and inhuman strength. Elemental shapeshifting is possible, impersonating others or turning into a monster at his will. He is also able to turn invisible. Of course, not truly invisible since it is becoming invisible in metal.[/indent] [/hider]