Cassandra's step faltered as she received the message from Eris, realising she hadn't yet messaged her. Having realised that, Cassandra stopped and opened the message, reading it. Cassandra's feet had already been taking her to Eris's apartment, without a thought that Eris might have other things going on. It was a simple matter to change direction to the mall, as she replied. [quote][b]To:[/b]Eris Reinhardt [b]From[/b]Cassandra O'shera [b]Subject[/b]Re:goodmorning Good morning, Eris. I have no plans, and will do anything with you. I am near the mall, now and can meet you there. Crepes? Sure, I know how to cook Crepes. Sounds like a fun idea. I'll see you soon. [/quote] Smiling to herself, Cassie trotted along. Whenever possible, she enjoyed to simply walk. Sometimes buses and other such transportation were simply crowded, and when you walked, you could choose who you walked with. Humming to herself, she soon reached the mall, She looked about, wondering where Eris would be. Wondering around a little bit, around the entrance she looked at the shops nearby. [i]maybe I should get something for Eris...but what? It's not like I can spend a lot...[/i] she bit her lip, nervous and a little overwhelmed at her train of thought. [i]maybe I should think about getting a job, if only to be able to give Eris something she deserves...[/i] Still, if Eris was just making her way here now, she had a little bit of time. Going to a nearby shop, Cassie came out with a wrapped package, and looked about for Eris again, as she slipped the package into her bag. Giving a soft sigh, she sat down on a bench, pondering things for a few moments. Eris had done so much for her, and she knew it couldn't be easy on her. [i]she's doing it to protect me. Maybe if I wasn't so weak, I wouldn't need protection[/i] Cassandra wished there was something she could do, to ease everything Eris was doing for her. She looked down at her hands, thoughtful.